Carrie Prejean 2.0 vol. Cali Pageant Girls Love the Gays

Dec 2, 2009
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[h2]This California Pageant Girl Makes Carrie Prejean Look Like Richard Simmons[/h2]

There really is no legitimate reason to care what some spoiled pageant brat thinks about gay people. Nevertheless, we are intrigued by Miss Beverly Hills 2010, Lauren Ashley, because she's either too stupid to realize that she has blown any chance at winning the Miss California competition, or, if she didn't really care about that, savvy enough to realize that her outspoken anti-gay opinions could make her a fleeting mini-celebrity in ultrareligious circles. Anyway, here's what she told Fox News:
"The Bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman. In Leviticus it says, 'If man lies with mankind as he would lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death and their blood shall be upon them.' The Bible is pretty black and white," Ashley told Pop Tarts.

"I feel like God himself created mankind and he loves everyone, and he has the best for everyone. If he says that having sex with someone of your same gender is going to bring death upon you, that's a pretty stern warning, and he knows more than we do about life.

It's okay, though, because she has "a lot of friends that are gay." She just thinks that they should not be alive. Can someone please tell this girl that God didn't write the Bible?

Miss Beverly Hills tries to one-up Carrie Prejean, says it’s divine law that gays be put to death. [Think Progress]
Its a trend now... Beauty queens that think they are of higher moral order, and can say how they "truly" feel instead of giving "rehearsed" answers

whatever it is they get a huge
from me
think progress took this a little far and this chick to her comments a little too far. 

I'm a christian and I also believe homosexuality is wrong...I also respect someone's right to live their life how they see fit.  I have debated this issue with homosexuals more times than I can count...the bible is very black and white when it comes to sexuality.  It is also very black and white that we as christians are not to judge anybody and we are to RESPECT those who believe differently than us.  That's where I think this debate goes off the rails, why can't people just agree to disagree and keep it moving.
'divine law'??? hahah

Is it too much to ask that the pageant entrants not be stupid?
Originally Posted by JinKazama

think progress took this a little far and this chick to her comments a little too far. 

I'm a christian and I also believe homosexuality is wrong...I also respect someone's right to live their life how they see fit.  I have debated this issue with homosexuals more times than I can count...the bible is very black and white when it comes to sexuality.  It is also very black and white that we as christians are not to judge anybody and we are to RESPECT those who believe differently than us.  That's where I think this debate goes off the rails, why can't people just agree to disagree and keep it moving.

you think its black and white? it clearly says homosexuals should be put to death.
at you. that same passage talkin bout homosexuals also says you cant sit near a menstruating woman for seven days. im sure you have done that. you ever cursed your parents? you ever violated sabbath? (as in do ANYTHING on a sunday besides pray?) according to Leviticus all of those actions should be punished with death. 
whats my point? dont use a %#*%*+* piece of text that is so old and not factual as your doctrine for not just how you should live your life, but how you think others should too. get outta here with that ignorant BS. yes i am mad.  
you think its black and white? it clearly says homosexuals should be put to death.
at you. that same passage talkin bout homosexuals also says you cant sit near a menstruating woman for seven days. im sure you have done that. you ever cursed your parents? you ever violated sabbath? (as in do ANYTHING on a sunday besides pray?) according to Leviticus all of those actions should be punished with death. 
whats my point? dont use a %#*%*+* piece of text that is so old and not factual as your doctrine for not just how you should live your life, but how you think others should too. get outta here with that ignorant BS. yes i am mad.  

Did you read my post or did you stop at the first line...what did my post say...let's review

I'm a christian and I also believe homosexuality is wrong...I also respect someone's right to live their life how they see fit. 
  the bible is very black and white when it comes to sexuality.  It is also very black and white that we as christians are not to judge anybody and we are to RESPECT those who believe differently than us.  That's where I think this debate goes off the rails, why can't people just agree to disagree and keep it moving.
 I could care less how somebody chooses to live their life, for me, I've chosen to believe in god and the bible...and I can respect someone who has chosen a different path, like you  I presume.  It doesn't mean that I'm right and you are wrong it just means we differ.

As someone said earlier, jesus life replaced the doctrines of the old know the ones you stated above...and it can be debated whether jesus ever addressed homosexuality or not ( I say not) what cannot be debated is god's actions toward homosexuals if you choose to believe in the bible. 

At the end of the day, if all christians followed every commandment, every old testament doctrine...we STILL would not be worthy of salvation.  Each person has to decide how they want to live their life...we need to start RESPECTING that right. 
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Is it true that Team Uncircumcised is to be stoned?

as well as anybody who is fat (gluttony is a deadly sin), rich (falls under gluttony), eats fish (Jesus said it was an abomination). But at the end of the day, we're talking about a book in which a guy got swallowed by a big fish and survived in his stomach for 3 days and was spat out, and another guy lived to be 969. So, take anything in there with a grain of salt
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