Central California Sneakers....

May 31, 2013
LETS START A COMMUNITY.. the central valley has a lot of people of all kinds who are into sneakers,  but there is no community!. lets try and change that.   if you are in or around or the central california area, post HERE. anything you want to say, any ideas, any comments or opinions on whats going on in the valley post it! lets get this thing going.. message robertTHEnew with anything you wanna ask. post and have fun..
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pretty dope man!!, alot of sneaker collectors out there and people actually wear them!
thats good to hear i mite make my way out there..its moslty jordans around here from what I have seen.. ive been trying to find people with the same sneaker interest as me but its been hard
We not claiming you dudes. The Miscellaneous regional forum is ----> that way 

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Something like that ..Js always sell out ..but with the new house of hoops more is comming thru ..exciting past couple monthes
Campouts used to be death ..the new ticket systems are pretty nice for js and nike basketball .things are looking up ..unless you want sonething like db 3s ..your on your own there
lol haha tell me about it Police was even there, man I kinda liked camping out back then, but I don't mind the raffles lol
I met a lot of good people in line ..but after a wile it was people with girls teying to double or tripple up ..and people with relatives and stuff ..I cut cut by a grandma asking for a size 11when getting playoff 12s
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