Cocky v. Confident

I've been told I am both. And its been ******g working for me. So whatev
Confident = doing you and believing in yourself without caring what others think.

Cocky = your actions seek attention because you care what others think; out of insecurity
I think that cockiness isn't necessarily a bad thing. One of the GOAT's used to be cocky as hell - Muhammad Ali. I'd definitely say he was cocky and he backed up what he said. The dangers of being cocky is that you're putting yourself in a position where you COULD look really bad. Confidence doesn't really put you in that position.

Either way, when you have cockiness or confidence in what you do (i.e. pulling dimes, going into a meeting and blowing everyone away, going to ball) you don't care as much if you're let down because you're cocky/confident enough to get back - I guess this may only come with experience though..
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