Congress clears historic health care bill...

Dec 3, 2007

[h1]Democrats predict health bill will pass House[/h1]
WASHINGTON – A pair of House Democratic leaders predicted Sunday the final tally on President Barack Obama's historic health care billwill meet or exceed the 216 votes required for passage. But theyacknowledged having yet to nail down commitments from a handful ofmembers.

"There are still members looking at it and trying to make up their minds," House Democratic leader Steny Hoyer,D-Md., said on NBC's "Meet the Press" in the hours before the vote. Headded that the holdouts numbered in "the low single digits."

"We think there are going to be 216-plus votes when we call the roll," Hoyer said.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., the party's deputy whip, also said the votes were not yet in hand, telling "Fox News Sunday" that Democrats were still short of "a hard 216."

Republicansattributed the caution to public controversy over the plan, whichplayed out in angry protests at the doorstep of the Capitol duringCongress' rare weekend session. At issue was Obama's signature domestic issueand the most significant legislative overhaul in decades: a rewrite ofthe nation's health care system to provide coverage to millions ofpeople.

One Democratic leader was even moreoptimistic, though no other party member was willing to declare victoryhours before the vote.

"We have the votes now — as we speak," Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson, D-Conn., said on ABC's "This Week."

Republicansremain resolutely opposed to the legislation and warned they will makeDemocrats pay dearly in the fall elections if the fiercely debatedmeasure becomes law.

"The American people don't want this to pass. The Republicans don't want this to pass. There will be no Republican votes for this bill," Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House's second-ranking Republican, told ABC.

WithObama's emotional appeal from Saturday ringing in their ears, HouseDemocratic leaders prepared for three showdown votes when they conveneat 1 p.m. EDT and begin voting an hour later: on a "rule" to establishdebate guidelines; on a package of changes to a Senate-passed bill,including deletion of special Medicaid benefits for Nebraska; and onthe Senate bill itself, the focus of intense national debate for months.

Democratsneed 216 votes to pass each one. With all 178 Republicans and at leasttwo dozen Democrats vowing to vote no, the legislation's fate lay inthe hands of the Democrats who remained uncommitted ahead of Sunday'svote.

Obama cast the decision in personal terms,telling House Democrats they have arrived at a moment when they canrealize their highest aspirations in public life.

"Thisis one of those times where you can honestly say to yourself, 'Doggoneit, this is exactly why I came here,'" he said. "'Because I believe sodeeply in this country and I believe so deeply in this democracy andI'm willing to stand up even when it's hard.'"

IfDemocratic leaders prevail on all three House votes, Obama could signthe Senate version of the bill into law. The bill of "fixes" would goto the Senate under fast-track debate rules, called reconciliation,that would enable Democrats to pass it without facing a Republicanfilibuster.

Democrats control 59 of the Senate's100 seats, one vote shy of the number needed to overcome bill-killingfilibusters from a united GOP.

HouseDemocrats have long insisted that senators agree to change the billthat the Senate passed on Christmas Eve. Since then, it became deeplyunpopular with many Americans, because of the special deal forNebraska, a new tax on generous employer-provided health plans andother aspects.

In a sign of increasingDemocratic confidence Saturday, House leaders dropped plans for acontroversial parliamentary tactic. They agreed to allow a simpleyes-or-no vote on the Senate bill. By planning to pass the package offixes on the same day, Democrats hope they can persuade constituentsthey did not support the Senate measure as a stand-alone bill.

Thelegislation, affecting virtually every American and more than a year inthe making, would extend coverage to an estimated 32 million uninsured,bar insurers from denying coverage on the basis of existing medicalconditions and cut federal deficits by an estimated $138 billion over adecade.

Congressional analysts estimate the cost of the two bills combined would be $940 billion over a decade.

House leaders continued to negotiate late Saturday with ahandful of anti-abortion Democrats who threatened to switch from "yes"to "no" on the legislation without greater assurances that no federalmoney under the new laws would be used for elective abortions.

It was unclear whether Obama would agree to issue an executiveorder along those lines. Long-standing federal policy bars U.S. aid forabortions except in cases of rape, incest or when the mother's life isin danger.

So umm...why are people against this Bill again--besides the banal retort, "it's going to take cost too much money/it's going to take money out of my pocket"?

I mean, this country has spent ***** on a fruitless campaign in Iraq and Afghanistan thus far, and this is what people have qualms with?

Putting all the BS politics aside, are people not aware of the overarching purpose of the bill when all is said and done? Isn't that what matters here--ensuring that the average American can receive some form of medical care if and when the need arises? Or is that too much selflessness to ask of the "diverse" constituents of this country?

My stance on issue--I'm sure you've inferred by now. What's yours?


at this point, I am against anything the gov't is trying to push at us but thats just me i dunno
Tea party people so up in arms about this, yet, they rely on Medicare. How soon they forget.

this is why 90% of the people are against this bill. they can hide behind the fact that they don't like big gov't, or they wana "start over". but this is the real reason.... it's welfare. they don't wana help the poor. they don't want to help the sick. they don't want to pay for. you

the funniest part is these people have the balls to say they believe in the teachings of christ.
at this point, I am against anything the gov't is trying to push at us but thats just me i dunno


Seriously. That is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

The funniest part of all of this is people support the measures that are being proposed in the bill when asked if they would like to see each one separate, but when asked about the health care bill itself for some odd reason they are strongly opposed. People in this country don't even know what they're rallying against anymore.

That video shows just how idiotic so many people here are. What is wrong with people? Where is behavior like that condoned? We've become so selfish as people from living in America we don't want to give back to anyone, so we ridicule those who can't help themselves because they're sick. Unbelievable.
I want everyone to have healthcare but it's being done at the expense of the rich; why not raise everyone's taxes.___If you are an individual making more than $200,000 a year, or a married couple making more than $250,000 a year, get ready to pay more for your Medicare if health care reform passes.First of all, your Medicare Part A (that’s hospital insurance) tax rate would be increased by 0.9 percent, to 2.35 percent. Second, the bill creates an entirely new tax of 3.8 percent on unearned income (dividends, interest, stuff like that) for people in those same income brackets.The good news is that this would not take effect until Jan. 1, 2013. And it is a big money raiser, truth be told. The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates this would bring in $210 billion between 2013 and 2019.
It's basically one side going against the other for no other reason than one side going against the other. If it was the Republicans initially pushing this bill you'd have the Democrats taking every stance possible against it just like the Republicans are doing now.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

at this point, I am against anything the gov't is trying to push at us but thats just me i dunno


Seriously. That is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

The funniest part of all of this is people support the measures that are being proposed in the bill when asked if they would like to see each one separate, but when asked about the health care bill itself for some odd reason they are strongly opposed. People in this country don't even know what they're rallying against anymore.

That video shows just how idiotic so many people here are. What is wrong with people? Where is behavior like that condoned? We've become so selfish as people from living in America we don't want to give back to anyone, so we ridicule those who can't help themselves because they're sick. Unbelievable.

my bad but can u give cliffnotes on this bill? what exactly are they proposing to do with healthcare?
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

It's basically one side going against the other for no other reason than one side going against the other. If it was the Republicans initially pushing this bill you'd have the Democrats taking every stance possible against it just like the Republicans are doing now.

QFT. Thats what politics is nowadays and its a damn shame.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

at this point, I am against anything the gov't is trying to push at us but thats just me i dunno


Seriously. That is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

The funniest part of all of this is people support the measures that are being proposed in the bill when asked if they would like to see each one separate, but when asked about the health care bill itself for some odd reason they are strongly opposed. People in this country don't even know what they're rallying against anymore.

That video shows just how idiotic so many people here are. What is wrong with people? Where is behavior like that condoned? We've become so selfish as people from living in America we don't want to give back to anyone, so we ridicule those who can't help themselves because they're sick. Unbelievable.
my bad but can u give cliffnotes on this bill? what exactly are they proposing to do with healthcare?

Basically raise taxes to the rich, give everyone healthcare..its sad that this country doesnt help each other out when we all really need it
wouldn't the bill decrease the debt by 1.4 trillion within the next 20 years? So I think it costing too much is a irrelevant statement. 
Edit: wow that video is disgusting.
The IRONY of this whole Healthcare debacle is that these very same tea baggers if the govt said tomorrow that the funds for Social Security was depleted and couldn't be sustained and had to be done away with, these tea baggers would be marching like a Million Man March to keep SS alive. A policy that they would have tried to derail during the New Deal in the 1930's.

Sure there should be concern about the quality of health care and cost but in essence all this health care debate has been for the past year is middle age angry white people who are coming to realization that "Their America" isn't the same America anymore.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

at this point, I am against anything the gov't is trying to push at us but thats just me i dunno


Seriously. That is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

The funniest part of all of this is people support the measures that are being proposed in the bill when asked if they would like to see each one separate, but when asked about the health care bill itself for some odd reason they are strongly opposed. People in this country don't even know what they're rallying against anymore.

That video shows just how idiotic so many people here are. What is wrong with people? Where is behavior like that condoned? We've become so selfish as people from living in America we don't want to give back to anyone, so we ridicule those who can't help themselves because they're sick. Unbelievable.
my bad but can u give cliffnotes on this bill? what exactly are they proposing to do with healthcare?

Both the House and Senate versions of health insurance reform rest upon the following building blocks:
  • Insurance reforms to protect consumers from insurance companyworst-practices – like denying coverage based on pre-existingconditions, capping total coverage, and dropping or watering downcoverage when you get sick and need it most
  • Consumerprotections that will restrict how much of your premium dollarsinsurance companies can spend on marketing, profits, and salaries
  • Creation of a health exchange to increase consumer choice and guarantee coverage
  • Affordable health options, with subsidies for working families and a hardship waiver
  • Tax credits to help small businesses afford coverage
  • Making preventive care completely free – with no co-payments or deductibles
  • Lowering the cost of health care for our seniors
  • Improving the quality and extending the life of Medicare
  • Ensuring that reform is not only fully paid for, but actually significantly reduces the federal deficit

Details of Obama's Health Care Plan

There are probably one hundred other places you can go as well, just take the four seconds to Google.

Also, if you're going to raise taxes on anyone it should be the rich. The more that you make the more you should pay in taxes.
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

It's basically one side going against the other for no other reason than one side going against the other. If it was the Republicans initially pushing this bill you'd have the Democrats taking every stance possible against it just like the Republicans are doing now.

QFT. Thats what politics is nowadays and its a damn shame.
Actually, many of the amendments in this bill are Republican ideologies. They're still against it. Anyways, the next HCR bill better include a robust PO
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

at this point, I am against anything the gov't is trying to push at us but thats just me i dunno


Seriously. That is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

The government can barely handle small stuff like education and the DMV, what makes anyone think they are going to be able to run health care properly? I know I have no faith in the government to lay out this system correctly.

Im not against everyone having coverage. Im against the government running it. All young people should get prepared to pay huge chunks of their checks back to the government for a very long time.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

The IRONY of this whole Healthcare debacle is that these very same tea baggers if the govt said tomorrow that the funds for Social Security was depleted and couldn't be sustained and had to be done away with, these tea baggers would be marching like a Million Man March to keep SS alive. A policy that they would have tried to derail during the New Deal in the 1930's.

Sure there should be concern about the quality of health care and cost but in essence all this health care debate has been for the past year is middle age angry white people who are coming to realization that "Their America" isn't the same America anymore.
word... I'm watching c-span, and some lady called in saying she was against the bill because she doesn't want it ran by the government. When asked what insurance she has; she said she has Medicare .
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

at this point, I am against anything the gov't is trying to push at us but thats just me i dunno


Seriously. That is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.
The government can barely handle small stuff like education and the DMV, what makes anyone think they are going to be able to run health care properly? I know I have no faith in the government to lay out this system correctly.

Go read a textbook or something, you seem quite soft in the head. 
It's called regulation. The government is making rules that make it easier and more affordable for the average american. They are controlling the private insurance companies from running wild and raising premiums like they have been doing until now, they are also introducing subsidized insurance for those who can't take the private route. 
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

It's basically one side going against the other for no other reason than one side going against the other. If it was the Republicans initially pushing this bill you'd have the Democrats taking every stance possible against it just like the Republicans are doing now.

QFT. Thats what politics is nowadays and its a damn shame.

i highly disagree. democrats been trying to get health care reform for 40 years.

did the democrats derail everything bush did? for example those 2 wars? democrats are wimps, chickens. i've never seen this straight up resounding "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO" from one side.and it somehow works

where the #!+* were all of these people for 8 damn years? bush did stuff 100 times worse than obama. bush did things that go directly against the conservative ideology like bailing out companies. where were these tea bagging pricks then?
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