Death > public speaking? vol. stage fright

Jan 27, 2009
I've read various studies which claim some exorbitant percentage of people are more afraid of public speaking thandeath. I've never enjoyed it, sometimes downright dreaded it, but it seems that if enough prep goes goes into it it's a piece of cake. I'm the typethat would make a PowerPoint a half hour before class, not know the material and end up reading right off the screen when it comes time to present. Tonite Iactually prepared for the first time in my life and I already know I'mma knock em dead. Discuss?

sure it sucks to give speeches...but at the end of the day, does it really matter...will it really affect me???

that's my general outlook on life when i have to do something i wouldn't prefer to do.
at the title
Man I used to be a natural in front of people, but all of a sudden I became a little self-conscious
I need to speak in front of people more often to get the skill back
very true op.

I was just @ an orientation and they made a big circle and was like everyone stand in the middle and say your name? introduce yourself ? and tell us a hobbyyou have?

And I had a big pimple by my chin, and thats where people focus when looking @ you talk.
I was standing there like:
I was never a fan of public speaking since I was a young didn't phase me much until my Jr year HS
Yeh, im taking a speech class rite now. i get a little nervous before i go up, but when your up there its really simple. just suck it up and you'll dofine.
Everytime I have to give a speech I always worry about first but when it's time to do it. I always forget about all the worries and nail it and whenI'm done I feel like a lot of weigh just went off my shoulders.
That is until another presentation is due then the process happens all over again.
^what bigdane said. nervous right before, but once you start talking, should flow right out.
I just recite what Im gonna say word for word about 10 times the night before, then when its time for the real deal, it just flows out smoothly
Everyone always cites this fact but I would like to see some actual academic studies proving such. I know that most folks do not like public speaking but ifsomeone puts a gun to your head and says "either give a five minute persuasive speak on abortion or we will kill you," that that person ask for thebullet.

I am glad that I have the power of public speech and I love opportunities to speak in front of groups.

Also, the less planning and preparation and practice, the better. I loved impromptu more than any other style we had in my speech class.
I'm actually the type that welcomes it, not scared at all

hell, sometimes I come off as being too arrogant when I present
Originally Posted by nine point five

Tonite I actually prepared for the first time in my life and I already know I'mma knock em dead. Discuss?


This is the attitude that you need to use in every aspect of your life, seriously.
Reading a powerpoint in front of a room is not presenting - that's just reading. I prefer to handle presentations with no cues so it seems morenatural--people tend to listen and retain more that way, too. I typically do very well at these things: just remember it's a room full of peers. It'snot like you're presenting a big proposal to a client that could make or break your career. The clowns in the room probably won't even be listeninganyway.
what I do, is i try not to go word for word, they end up getting bunched up....I rather have mainpoints of each fact, then just sorta recite it freely.

i used to have this public speaking phobia all the way up until 1st year college when i took my speech class.

i learned two very important things when prepping for a public speech.

1) write down every word you are going to say.
2) practice practice practice until you memorize each word and don't have to look at the paper.

usually people get nervous or get stage fright because they are unprepared, which was my case.

remember, the more you do public speeches, the better you get, and then you will be so good you'll forget all about that phobia.
1) write down every word you are going to say.
2) practice practice practice until you memorize each word and don't have to look at the paper. [/quote
I disagree. For me at least, that would just confuse me once I got in front of the class. It'll put more stress on you because you want to stick to thisscript in your head, and if you slip up on a word or two you might be completely thrown off in the hardest place to try to regain composure--in front of allthe people.

I try to use no papers or prompts, but if I feel like I need something, I use a small piece of paper with a bulleted list of main points to cover--sometimes asubheading if there's a really crucial point I want to make sure to emphasize. Ideally, you should know whatever it is you're about to speak about wellenough that you shouldn't need a prompt before you go up there. I've had to endure dozens and dozens of presentations this year, and there is nothingmore dull and boring than watching a student presenting reading a piece of paper (sometimes in completemonotone).
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