Do fat white kids look good in jordans?

Jun 1, 2009
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i just wanted to see you guys opinions becuase my fat white friend thinks he looks good but i think he looks bad... he ruins them.
i wont get into race or weight issues, but there's a simple truth:

If you are ugly, a pair of shoes isnt going to change that.
pics? no *$!! it truly is the only way to come to a conclusion about the dude

i think athletic shoes prob look best on athletic people, so go figure
u shoulda just asked about any fat kid. Being white dont really matter
a black or white kid gonna look just as fat in his J's. If dude thinks he looks good then he does.
Originally Posted by Swerv1n

u shoulda just asked about any fat kid. Being white dont really matter
a black or white kid gonna look just as fat in his J's. If dude thinks he looks good then he does.

If someone wants to wear J's why do you care? What does it matter if he is white or not?
Originally Posted by veGAtts

i wont get into race or weight issues, but there's a simple truth:

If you are ugly, a pair of shoes isnt going to change that.

Hahahaha so true.
why you hatin on ya mans like that?!? well anywayz to answer your question...
J's look gr8 on everybody! but hate doesnt look good on YOU...

so hopefully when you bath tonight, some of the ugly washes off....
because this is an ugly post....
i see what he is saying...........because when big people rock jays they most of the time be leaning
................but then again thats all shoes
It shouldn't matter if he's fat or white.
His money is green right?
That is all JB care about anyway.
how old are u kid
by this topic i can tell u just a kid
this question is dumb and the fact that u askd it makes u look like a complete idiot
wow. I'm surprised I haven't seen any "this thread is pointless" jpgs or gifs yet
please check yourself.. u really need to rethink the meaning of the word "friend"
Give dude a break. It's an immature question. Must be a kid who's in his early teens. It don't matter, why would you be checking on how a guylooks? If the person feel good bout the way he is, that's what matters.
nobody can ruin a good pair, if its good pair it will always be good
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