do you consider yourself an OG NTer?

Lurking since 2001, stumbled on the site looking for the RD for the True Blue III's.

Signed up in '03 and never posted, forgot my log in info.
Signed up again in '04, posted, got banned by JRose in '06

Been on this SN since.

It doesn't matter in the end.
Yes, I consider myself an OG.

Signed up 1/19/ a sophmore in I'm almost 24.....doesn't seem like it was that long ago....pretty much done with shoes, only go to theGeneral/Sports forums now.....

I found this site searching on google for Jordan XI's....!

NT is still my e-home and I check it everyday...
I started to lurk when I read about NT in Ecko Complex in the Summer of 2003. I joined about a year latter in June of 2004.

Compared to a lot of NTers, I have been here for a while now but I am far from OG. I am just happy that I found out about NT no later than I did. Every yearhere has been enjoyable. Yes, there are some idiots and many bad threads but they are easily avoided and after screening that bad stuff away you are left withsome great humor, unforgettable stories, distinct personalities, interesting people and more than a couple of folks who I befriended through AIM and if thatperson lives in the LA area, I eventually meet in person and have had a great time every time.
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