Do you ever read the "Terms of Service" message when you install stuff?

meek meals

Jul 18, 2012
That long *** message that comes up whenever you're trying to install something on your phone or computer.

They could do basically anything and be legally covered as long as they put it in the middle of those things.

Does NT read it?
Nahh.. I usually check the reviews before I DL any app, if there's anything funky someone would probably mention it in the comments.
I do skim it at least, but you're right, they could be demanding my firstborn and ****.
That's one of the few things I don't thoroughly read, and I'm the type to read food packages.
No. Never on installs. But any physical copies of Terms and Conditions that require signature, you may wanna skim through before you sign.
just because you accept a contract doesn't mean it holds up.

If that were the case there could be legal slaves, and all sorts of stupid ****.

lots of companies think they cover their ***** from being liable by putting some statement into the tos
and yet they've still been sued.

TL'DR Hell no I aint reading that but I may skim. That said you don't have to worry about ridiculous agreements
Probably twice.

It's a tactic for them to make you give up your freedom to use whatever you're using.
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nope, some swedish company that makes password cracking software probably owns the rights to my first born
No one reads that crap. Hell some of the companys prob just copy and pasted it from another program just to be legit. In this day (in/and?) age, youll probably hear about before you download it.
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