Does anyone else not feel sympathy for Brittney Griner?

It's both. You can simultaneously feel sympathy because the punishment doesn't fit the crime but also acknowledge that she put herself in a totally avoidable, terrible situation.
I think anyone who knows about this situation at all has acknowledged that. They didnt just lock her up for no reason. To keep focusing on that point is just beating a dead horse.

Almost a year of her life gone, over a vape pen.
Journalist on sportscenter said the government wanted whelan for the exchange. russia said no so they got griner instead.
The US offered a 2-for-1. Whelan and Griner for Bout.

Russia said no, they are only willing to release Griner.

There was speculation a while back that Russia wanted someone imprisoned in Germany to be thrown in, but not it looks like they just didn't want to let Whelan go.
let's be real tho, most of our mamas would be proud whether we imagineered for Boeing or were 6th man on the Hornets and the salaries are competitive.
Not thrilled about the deal but glad she’s home and that’s most important. Hopefully we can get the military guy out of there soon too.
I wish both Americans could be swapped but glad that she got out. Putin is a scum
Yeah, I can think of another country that weaponizes others. Dude looks like a tow truck driver.
That's not really the message you conveyed in the OP

I don't view it as contradictory. On one hand, these are draconian balls that I do not personally agree with. I don't think anyone should go to jail for a decade over a vape pen. That being said, when you're in another country you have to follow their rules no matter if they make sense to you or not. She knew the rules (or she should have known the rules) before she got on that plane so I don't have much sympathy for her in that regard.

If I were in Malaysia and I got caught bringing in drugs, it's not a sad situation I would just be an idiot.

Such a weird hill to die on.

Your take on whether rappers should be prosecuted via evidence provided from their lyrics was as bad or worse. The only reason I recalled that take is because it pops up under 'similar threads' just below the reply box here. Maybe it should read 'Threads that are equally as low quality'?

Do better man.

The common thread between these two topics are people making stupid, very avoidable mistakes. I don't feel empathy for rappers who commit crimes and are then dumb enough to rap about those crimes and I don't feel bad for people breaking the law when she knows the rules (having been to Russia many times before) and knowing the geopolitical situation between the countries.

It's just a little bit of common sense and personal responsibility. Maybe I'm turning into aepps20 aepps20 ,who knows 🤷🏿‍♂️
I don't view it as contradictory. On one hand, these are draconian balls that I do not personally agree with. I don't think anyone should go to jail for a decade over a vape pen. That being said, when you're in another country you have to follow their rules no matter if they make sense to you or not. She knew the rules (or she should have known the rules) before she got on that plane so I don't have much sympathy for her in that regard.

If I were in Malaysia and I got caught bringing in drugs, it's not a sad situation I would just be an idiot.

The common thread between these two topics are people making stupid, very avoidable mistakes. I don't feel empathy for rappers who commit crimes and are then dumb enough to rap about those crimes and I don't feel bad for people breaking the law when she knows the rules (having been to Russia many times before) and knowing the geopolitical situation between the countries.

It's just a little bit of common sense and personal responsibility. Maybe I'm turning into aepps20 aepps20 ,who knows 🤷🏿‍♂️
Biden would’ve been bribed to pardon the Angel of Death by the end of this year anyway so I’m glad we could at least get Griner back. Even a treasonous US citizen like her needs the full support we can give her.
can't wait to see her new cannabis product line up in the future.
welcome back home BG.
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