Does Anyone Else Suspect That The Post Office/Mailman Steals Their Mail?

Oct 13, 2001
Man I sign up for free samples every week. It has been months and I haven't gotten 50% of what I signed up for.

The mail man HAS to be taking my stuff
laugh.gif time I didn't get one of my Pete and Pete dvds..ol buddy probably having a good time watching em
Oh ya depending on what it is my cousin works for Fedex and he tells me all the shady stuff they do
Im assuming the free samples are all from the same place? If so they're more than likely being stolen or possibly misplaced.
Hell yes. Sometimes my Netflix never show up or have been ripped to see the title
For Valentines Day, I got some mail from some company, like they send cards for holidays, bdays etc.
The Valentine's Day card had a lollipop in it, I guess the mailman thought it was something more, the envelope was ripped open and taped back up
Reported it to the post office
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Im assuming the free samples are all from the same place? If so they're more than likely being stolen or possibly misplaced.
They are all small enough to fit into my mailbox though. It isn't like a big box of shoes or clothes.

dakid2301; tell the stories man.
Like they're going to risk their *federal* job to steal free samples from you. Chances are they were never sent in the first place. Fed Ex/UPS (or any non government courier company) are a different beast all together.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Like they're going to risk their *federal* job to steal free samples from you. Chances are they were never sent in the first place. Fed Ex/UPS (or any non government courier company) are a different beast all together.
I NEVER put my name on a sample request
Resident Of
My Address
City, State, ZIp

So they aren't really stealing from ME per-se. My address is on it. But they are risking it by stealing but my crimes go unsolved than solved, so it is a well calculated risk that most people don't even probably complain about. So it isn't as far fetched as you are making it out to be.
My mom works at a USPS sorting facility. A lot of the mail gets ripped open somehow so they have to tape it back together.

If there's samples or something, the workers sometimes just say screw it and start using the product
one of my friends used to work for USPS. he took a sample and he got fired on the spot when a customer complained about a free sample.

he told me it was the worst mistake he's ever made. he may never be able to get a federal position again. btw, i've had some shoes stolen from eastbay many a time. i'm sure the person who stole them had it coming to them.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Hell yes. Sometimes my Netflix never show up or have been ripped to see the title
For Valentines Day, I got some mail from some company, like they send cards for holidays, bdays etc.
The Valentine's Day card had a lollipop in it, I guess the mailman thought it was something more, the envelope was ripped open and taped back up
Reported it to the post office

What usually happens with the netflix is they are run on the wrong machine and get torn to shreds. USPS has about 4 different types of machines that runs mail, flatsorter being one of them. If the netflix are run on the flatsorter like they're supposed to then its all good, but they take a long time to do so the supervisor doesn't like running them. If they are mixed in with regular envelopes and put on a DBCS machine, the package gets stuck in the machine and ripped apart with no regard whatsoever to it by a technician trying to get it out. Then it gets sent to managed mail where they put it in a weak apology envelope, or just tape it back together
 I did it daily.

As for the samples....they just aren't being processed...
Well when I worked in a mail room I was specifically instructed to throw away junk mail. Mail that did not appear to specify a recipient was thrown away. Granted, as far as I know the post service doesnt filter junk mail so you should of received it anyway. Only thing I can think is maybe they kept it for themselves as they figured it was for "whoever".
Word to USPS workers not wanting to risk their jobs. It is extremely hard to get a job as a mail man/women an the benefits/pay/fact that its federal is really great. Its a felony to tamper with mail and I doubt anyone would be so dumb to take "samples" UPS, Fedex...more likely. But then again if someone wanted to steal something they'd take something worth it ex. a box that clearly has valuable contents. For the most part companies take 4-6 weeks, even longer to send out samples..I mean they are giving them away free, why would they waste time/resources for something free?
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