Dumb things you thought as a kid?

my uncle once told me asian woman have vaginas that sit sideways and i believed him for the longest hahaha
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I used to think IT the klown was gonna appear in gutters or from outta the shower drain...i would put my foot over the drain to make sure he had no room to get thru :lol:
I really believed that if you say the name Candyman in front of the mirror three times that he would appear
The list is endless....

I used to think going in raw = automatic pregnancy no matter what

I used to think the lyrics to "I'm Real" always said "My only problem is there is security" 
Before I knew what a women's genitals where I used to think women didn't have any genitals because one time I saw one of my cousins barbie dolls without any clothes on and just was like "Welp that answers that"

I also used to think that all adults had everything figured out. Like all college students where perfect academics, teachers knew everything and anyone with professional jobs where super responsible and never made mistakes or got caught up in drama.....

Having gotten older and now being in those positions myself along side these people now I've quickly realized that we are all full of ****
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* People can never be broke, if they have jobs.
* If you throw a shiny paper star into the air, Michael Jackson will appear (just like in "Moonwalker").
* My car of choice will be the Batmobile
* If I put my mind to it, i'll grow to be 6 '6'' 198 lbs.
* High school is cake. I watch "Saved by the Bell" AND "Beverly Hills 90210".
Using condoms would make your wee wee turn blue.

Having sex would make your penis bigger. (technically it does, but not the way I was thinking)

The N word (slang version) meant "ignorant"

Adults were mature and talked about "adult" things.....BOY was I wrong about this one :lol: Reality hit me hard.
i remember teacher brought a tall can and put a condom over it. thought everyone was packing like a 24 oz can
Before I learned how babies were conceived, I thought that we were all adults first then shrank into babies, then lived to grow old and finally die :lol: I still don't understand why I thought that.

Girls didn't poop or fart :pimp: (I still refuse to believe it)

Chocolate milk came from black cows
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I thought babies were made when the girl ate too much food
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