- May 7, 2007
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San Bernardino - San Bernardino high auditorium - Doors close, lights go on by themselves. Stories heard by teachers that use to be students from the school have seen weird figures in the Auditorium. It was heard that one of the students were fixing the lights on the second floor balcony, they fell off it falling to the first fall dying. Cold spots have also been reported by students that head to the second floor balcony.
Riverside - UCR Lothian Dining services - Custodial and late-night staff have complained of feeling cold drafts and "spots" at nights. Some doors have been said to close unexpectedly, and plates and silverware have been found to be missing or re-arranged. In spring 2006, a student unfortunately hung himself in the Lothian dormitory late at night.. there have been stories of people seeing or feeling his presence.
Riverside - University of California Rivera Library - Most of the very large Rivera Library was remodeled during 2000-2001. Parts of it were left untouched however, upon entering the main entrance turn left, it will be clear which parts are older. It is said a female ghost haunts these parts, on the first and second floors, mainly at night and after patrons have left and in the early morning hours. Janitors working after midnight have reported sounds and cold spots. Short lasting obnoxious odors have been smelled in the basement. A great time to go would be during finals week as the library is open until 2am.
I heard about these things.