Girlfriend Appreciation Post!!

Nov 22, 2004
Hey NT, i just want to let all of NT how i love her so much that i have to post a thread about her. she brings sunshine in my day ( well to me. ) and i have to say that she made me a better person for these past 2 years and 5 months. i love you and i hope we last...


post if you feel me.

Lost supreme AF1 lace tips? hit me up!!
Brenda! get off Vlads account, RIGHT NOW...

ninja, you should see what i have to say for michelle LOL its like a damn novel lol

wait: this has nothing to do with the PNW (not tryna mini mod vlad :wink:
Team Pacific Northwest X teamautobot​
I appreciate all my girlfriends. They're a terrific bunch.

My Wife #1
my girlfriends #2,3,4,5...
Your momz in my bizness​
so you outta the dog house vladdy? hahahh
Hit me up on AIM-DaAznFella daaznfella@hotmail.comDaAznFella x InToTheDark x VicexxxisFresh Summer '08
Team Jab, Jab, ->, Short, Fierce
i feel you, i've been w my girl for 21 months, she bought me some 20s for our anniversary and bought dinner at red lobster, and when we went to the casino w/ my parents and my grandma she won 200$ right when we were all done gamblin, i mean literally i had no more, everyone was waiting on her and my aunt, she would've won 2000 if she was betting the max , but she was low on credits and didnt have no more tickets or cash, anyways when she won the 200 she gave me 100 so i could get the blackcats, and paid for gas and a fresh haircut for me

She didnt have money when we first got together cause there was like noplace to work where we met, i was there 2 yrs and worked a few weeks at a rental car place and a few weeks at a burger place and it sucked all the ppl were jerks, most were slackers and i got stuck w/ the extra work so i quit cause i didnt need to work, i just wanted to support my shoe addiction but once she started working she got me lotsa stuff for xmas, and then we moved over to Mt. Vernon and we only had the 1 car and our rent was cheap while we were there so i didnt really care if she worked over there, no i'm back in my home town and she's got 2 jobs so she wanted to buy me those. She's been very good to me the whole 21 months though.

Anyways she's great and much appreciated
tell her to hook me up with some jamba
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