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Originally Posted by whyte1der05five


[h1]Williams in shape, but Knicks want Sessions[/h1]
August 4, 2009 By ALAN HAHN alan.hahn@newsday.com

Jason Williams began his comeback to the NBA in the seclusion of the Knicks practice facility in Greenburgh Tuesday morning. The veteran guard, who stepped away from the game last season for family reasons, worked out for the Knicks to show that his 33-year-old body is still up for the rigors of the NBA grind. But both came away fairly certain they probably won't have a future together.

The Knicks, who are owned by Cablevision, which also owns Newsday, have until Thursday to negotiate exclusively with Williams, but likely will not make an offer. Williams is expected to begin talking to other teams at that point, with the Memphis Grizzlies among the teams interested. One person came away from Williams' workout Tuesday saying he "looked good" and that he was "in great shape."

But the focal point right now remains Bucks restricted free agent guard Ramon Sessions, who is seeking a full mid-level exception offer sheet (five years, $33.9 million) from the Knicks. Donnie Walsh, who, along with Mike D'Antoni is very interested in Sessions, doesn't think he should throw that much money at the 23-year-old.

No other offers have been made to Sessions - only a qualifying offer from Milwaukee is on the table - so Walsh could be negotiating against himself.

It is believed the offer sheet needs only to be above about $3 million per season to avoid having it matched by the Bucks, who appear ready to move forward with first-round pick Brandon Jennings.


*Removes Avy*

and i wish White Chocolate the best but good riddance... Anyway if we offered Sessions lets say $4 million a year, since he is restricted, does it matter if hedoesnt accpt it as long as Milwaukee doesnt match it? Or does he have the option of declining an offer he doesnt like. Cause i always thought that if you are arestricted FA than the team you are on, not you, gets to choose where you go and the highest bidder regardless of if the player wants to go there or if its notenough $ or etc, and if the team matches the player stays. And than when you are unrestricted you have full control. Like for example lets say the Clips offerhim the full MLE (which i doubt will happen) and we only offer him a little less, would he have the option of taking less $ to come to NY and start underD'Anton like an unrestriced FA would do (ie Ron Artest this summer) or does he HAVE to take the Clippers offer cause they bd the most even though he willbe stuck in a PG logjam with a #!%@$% coach??

at all the Nate hate. $$*% the haters. Nate is my favorite player. I dont get how people complain that the Knicks are softer than in the 90s and !!#*and than dislike Nate. Sure he gets a little arrogant sometimes but its all part of his swagger. Fact is dude is ridiculously talented and a freak athlete(understatement) and more importantly he isnt scared of !!#* (kinda like a young AI in that sense) and he will go past 100% on any given night no matter theconditions. Sure he can be a bit of a headcase at times but when he is clicking he is almost impossible to stop at times an even when he isnt he is stillalways giving it all, and that all i ask of him. So $$*% the haters. If teams dont want a guy who dropped 17 a game off the bench and was at around 19 at apoint this year when he was dropping 30+ a game on the regular, than thats just better for us. i wanna see Nate stick around. $$*% all the haters.
^most people wont even read your essays, let alone take you seriously

your homerism is kinda eh at times, even though i do love nate myself nh.
Originally Posted by BangDak

^most people wont even read your essays, let alone take you seriously

your homerism is kinda eh at times, even though i do love nate myself nh.
werent you just ranting that J Will 2 years outta the leaguewould be better than both Nate and Duhon? And youre worried about people taking meseriously??

White Chocolate cant even @%!+!+! walk, even in his last 2-3 years he wasnt as good as Nate OR Duhon right now and now hes even older than that.

Maybe you dont wanna read what i gotta write and thats aiight, but dont call me out when you spitting all of that bull **$%. And the true Knicks fans here whodo take the little extra time to read my **$%, know that i know my **$% and that i usually know what im talking about so dont act like you can just speak forthe group. And how the $#!+ is it homerism calling nate one of the best 6th men in the league when he dropped 17 off the bench last year and finished 2nd onlyto Jason Terry in 6MOY voting?? If you can name me 3-5 bench players that are considered better than Nate i will let you call me a homer. It aint homerism ifyou got facts to back. It IS homerism when you are saying that a guy who has been out of the league for the past 2 years and really hasnt been good since 2003and uses a cane to walk would be a better option at 6th man than possibly the best athlete in the league who averaged over 17 a game off the bench last seasonand had a stretch where he was one of the best players in the league who is only 25 and was 2nd place in 6MOY voting
im not really mad about this offseason... i actually respect donnie for standing pat on his plans... i dont see why anyone is hating on that just because wedidnt sign anyone this summer... next summer is the big picture people and i know the cap is not going to help but nothing is confirmed yet and we just have tohang in there...when was the last time the knicks had money to spend on anyone? sure the cap might hurt but at least we can make an effort to sign a couplegood players... by standing pat we might retain lee and nate for 1 more year without having to commit and overpay... so y not do the same with sessions? i wantthis guy as our point but seriously i can wait... donnie is doing the right thing by not being isiah and overpaying this guy... if the bucks will only match 3mil and lower why cant the knicks just give him a lil lower than MLE...i can honestly live with the lineup we have now i mean shoot we been garbage a wholedecade exception for 04
... its really a tossup for me on whati think about sessions... if we sign him he will be our point guard for our future but we wont have as much money to spend next summer... but if we dont signhim then we will be garbage this year and that is not a good look for 2010 free agents coming here... so what do i think i like sessions i would want him onthe knicks but i can honestly live without him... hes serious but not that serious... but definitely better than our guards now... so if donnie can get him fora deal than im all for it...

* edit
i forgot that we got eddy and jefferies for 1 more year after 2010 so its not that bad... but if we trade both before next summer we good if not we still goodfor 2011... i take it back on sessions... disregard my feelings on him... sign him donnie! but try to do MLE or lower since nobody else wants him...
What's up with all of these epic poems? Hard to read all of them at work. Anyway, to answer The GR8:

essentially the player always has control of where he goes. a restricted free agent can sign any offer sheet and go to any team, unless his current teammatches the offer. Then he stays with his current team. A regular free agent can do the same and even turn down a higher offer to sign for less money with ateam he really wants to play for.

And i'm surprised Duhon is still playing. Everyone from Duke has a curse on them in the NBA. LET's GO HEELS!
essentially the player always has control of where he goes. a restricted free agent can sign any offer sheet and go to any team, unless his current team matches the offer. Then he stays with his current team. A regular free agent can do the same and even turn down a higher offer to sign for less money with a team he really wants to play for.
good looks

but could a restricted FA also turn down a slightly higher offer to play where he wants as long as the team doesnt match?? Like hes basically unrestricted, butthe only difference is the team that has his rights can match any offer?
Originally Posted by THE GR8

essentially the player always has control of where he goes. a restricted free agent can sign any offer sheet and go to any team, unless his current team matches the offer. Then he stays with his current team. A regular free agent can do the same and even turn down a higher offer to sign for less money with a team he really wants to play for.
good looks

but could a restricted FA also turn down a slightly higher offer to play where he wants as long as the team doesnt match?? Like hes basically unrestricted, but the only difference is the team that has his rights can match any offer?

Yea. A restricted FA can turn down a higher offer if he wants. Again, the only restriction on him signing anywhere is if his current team matchedor not.
at the vets minimum i lov Stackhouse. I wouldnt wanna dip into our Sessions MLE for him, but im a big Stack fan. And he can still hoop and he is a gritty +%$player which i love. i think he would be a great addition for the right price and is definitley an upgrade over Larry Hughes at the 2 spot.
i think he would be a great addition for the right price and is definitley an upgrade over Larry Hughes at the 2 spot.

im sorry, but if stackhouse is starting on your team then you've got some problems
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I


Why not?

You don't know how hyped I was back in the day over that backcourt... Then reality set in
... (same deal with Iverson and Hughes)

Am I the only one that thinks Iverson looks a little like Toney Douglas in that pic?
Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

i think he would be a great addition for the right price and is definitley an upgrade over Larry Hughes at the 2 spot.
im sorry, but if stackhouse is starting on your team then you've got some problems
We have Larry Hughes starting, now that's a problem.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

i think he would be a great addition for the right price and is definitley an upgrade over Larry Hughes at the 2 spot.
im sorry, but if stackhouse is starting on your team then you've got some problems
We have Larry Hughes starting, now that's a problem.

valid point
Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

i think he would be a great addition for the right price and is definitley an upgrade over Larry Hughes at the 2 spot.
im sorry, but if stackhouse is starting on your team then you've got some problems
A) we have problems i know that

B) I was more talking about being an upgrade over Hughes in backing up Chandler at the 2 cause i think him and Gallo will start at the 2 and 3 this season.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by BangDak

^most people wont even read your essays, let alone take you seriously

your homerism is kinda eh at times, even though i do love nate myself nh.
werent you just ranting that J Will 2 years outta the leaguewould be better than both Nate and Duhon? And youre worried about people taking me seriously??

White Chocolate cant even @%!+!+! walk, even in his last 2-3 years he wasnt as good as Nate OR Duhon right now and now hes even older than that.

Maybe you dont wanna read what i gotta write and thats aiight, but dont call me out when you spitting all of that bull **$%. And the true Knicks fans here who do take the little extra time to read my **$%, know that i know my **$% and that i usually know what im talking about so dont act like you can just speak for the group. And how the $#!+ is it homerism calling nate one of the best 6th men in the league when he dropped 17 off the bench last year and finished 2nd only to Jason Terry in 6MOY voting?? If you can name me 3-5 bench players that are considered better than Nate i will let you call me a homer. It aint homerism if you got facts to back. It IS homerism when you are saying that a guy who has been out of the league for the past 2 years and really hasnt been good since 2003 and uses a cane to walk would be a better option at 6th man than possibly the best athlete in the league who averaged over 17 a game off the bench last season and had a stretch where he was one of the best players in the league who is only 25 and was 2nd place in 6MOY voting

i would take white choco over duhon and nate. yes i would.
im not talking about the best 6th man of the league thing, im talking about the stuff you said a few pages back.
IMO, nate should have finished first for 6th man of the year. JET had starters minutes, which imo doesnt make him a starter, but you indeed said somehomeristic things in that little paragraph.
Jwill isnt as bad as you guys make him seem. nate best athlete? cmon. dudes athletic but you cant really say hes the most athletic guy in the league.
just because you have facts to back it up, doesnt mean you're not a homer. look at bhz (no pun intended) dude always brings in facts to support his team,but then again, everyone calls him a homer. whatever, im not going to argue over this anymore.
and no thanks on stackhouse.
J Will has been a bum since 2003 anyone who would take him over Nate or Duhon (esp Nate) is wildin. And how is Nate not one of the best athletes?? I mean hishops are as high or higher than anyone's out there, he has to be one of the quickest players in the league and i have never seen a more explosive player. Iswear when Nate shoots down the court its like hes being shot out of a cannon. CRAZY acceleration. I may be backing up Nate also but that dont make me wrongeither, it dont even make me a homer, i dont go crazy and say he should be our starter or some !$%$, but i gotta give the man his dues when he earned it,especially when people talk !$%$ about him. When people say !$%$ like hes not a top bench player in the league or not one of the best athletes, ima back himup, cause imo both those statements are foolish if you look at his career and his year last season.

EDIT: from Nate Robinson's twitter, 6 hours ago...

Bout to have a sit down wit my agents and talk about my future with the knicks hope its good keep ur fingers crossed twitter fans pause
Not sure which is the bigger Knick story today. That Jerry Stackhouse is working out for them or a Guinness record-setting 200-pound matzoh ball is being wheeled to a Lower East Side deli in Manhattan this morning in honor of the Knicks-Maccabi Tel Aviv exhibition in October.

In truth, I think the matzoh ball has a better jumper than Stackhouse right now. Last night's Post slot editor, the venerable Kevin Kenney talked about combining the two news events if only Jerry's name was Jerry Stackowitz.

The 3-foot-high matzoh ball is another publicity stunt to trump up ticket sales for Maccabi-Knicks, with proceeds of ticket sales going to Migdahl Ohr - the important Israeli charity for disadvantaged kids.

Not sure if the Stackhouse workout is a publicity stunt either. He looks older than Donnie Walsh. Are the Knicks playing the field to get guys like Nate Robinson and Ramon Sessions to sign with them?

There's so many pieces to this puzzle, I'm not sure Donnie knows where it is going. I'm told Walsh wants to clear out some more cap space for 2010 and that would give him leeway in giving Sessions a full mid-level deal and getting David Lee for a respectable contract. That's likely why this is taking so long, almost as long as it took to craft this matzoh ball.

The ingredients - 1,000 eggs, 80 pounds of margarine, 200 pounds of matzoh meal, 20 pounds of chicken base. Eddy Curry is not expected to attend the festivities.

According to the release, the massive round mound of matzo will be trucked with police escort from a 100-gallon kettle in New Jersey where it slow boiled for nearly 24 hours by a team of a dozen chefs, It's being transported in a 24-foot freightliner through the streets of New York, to its ultimate unveiling and measurement for the world record at Noah's Ark Deli on Grand Street at 10 a.m. this morning.

Knick fans are invited to nosh.

Meanwhile, I'm back on vacation, off to Israel to celebrate my daughter's coming of age - and perhaps scout a Maccabi Tel Aviv practice for D'Antoni. I've heard Tel Aviv's Nokia Arena is the real Mecca of Basketball
I will say a Knick prayer at the Western Wall for peace, love and more 2010 cap space. Have a good one.

Knicks Look To Shed Another 2010 Contract And Bring In Stackhouse

Twitter (Alan Hahn, Newsday) - 08/05 - 11:21 PM EST (AP Photo)

Alan Hahn of Newsday reports that the Knicks could shed a 2010 contract as part of the team's pursuit of the unrestricted free-agent Jerry Stackhouse.
The only non-rookie contracts remaining on the Knicks' payroll for the 2010-2011 season are that of Eddy Curry and Jared Jeffries. Presumably the Knicksare seeking a trade of one of the two.
It was reported earlier this week that the Knicks are intent on clearing more cap room for next summer before the team would sign restricted free-agent RamonSessions to an offer sheet.
for everybody w/ complaints on how the offseason is going..at least we have some assemblage of a plan

some teams are just scooping players like there's no tomorrow

why tf do the pistons have rip and ben gordon?

randy foye, gil, and mike miller..PLUS nick young?

we're trying something here and y'all know its a year b4 %#%# supposed to pop for us, so i don't get the impatience

breathe y'all.
That so called bum ran the Heats offence the way Pat Riley wanted it and was an important cog in winning a ring.

In Pats words Jason knows the playbook inside out ive never had a point guard learn every play n get it down so quickly.

Dude was flash n made questionable decisions back in his Kings days but ever since Hubie Brown coached and mentored him in Memphis hes been very efficient oneof the best assist/turnover ratios in the L.

Jason can distribute the ball like no other point guard bar Jason Kidd he gets the ball to u where u want it to score and can see and make passes most playerscouldnt dream of and one of the best ever at throwing precision alley oops even from inside his own half.

D'Antonis system made Steve Nash MVP 2 years running and this system JWill would excell in no doubt aslong as everybody else could keep up.

If Coach and Walsh both say hes in great shape and looks good then a year off has done his body good hed been playing and mentoring Nick Calathes at Floridaall last year so its not like he hasnt picked up a ball.

All Knicks fans should be greatfull hes even interested in playing for New York because lets face it the past 5 years havent been good at all New Yorks a greatCity but the Knicks suck hopein to sign LeBron and pinning all ya hopes on 2010 is very risky if it doesnt happen theyve spent 2-3 years tradeing and dumpingcontracts for nuthin.

And all u guys hatein on Nate should be ashamed the dudes done everything and more since hes been there the least they can do is resign him and show him thelove hes showed them thats the problem with tha Knicks u can play ya heart out but it dont mean nuthin same with Lee Knicks doin them both dirty.

NYKnicks.com: So how's your summer been? How've you been keeping busy?

Harrington: It's going well. I'm just working out, keeping in shape, you know what I mean? I'm lifting a lot of weights andworking on my body. My Achilles has been a little sore so I have been working on that to make sure I am all good to go for the season. That's why thesummer is important. This week I spent a lot of time on the courts. I've also been doing a tour for my Protégé sneakers.

NYKnicks.com: How's that been?

Harrington: It's been great. The response has been real good. Wherever we go we get anywhere from 200 to 400 people, and it's beena lot of fun. Obviously the kids are coming out and playing on the courts. We have a lot of competitions and contests where we give out prizes, and people havebeen really responsive to the shoe. They like what we're doing, which is making an affordable shoe.

NYKnicks.com: Asides from work, what have you been doing for fun? Did you go away anywhere?

Harrington: Not really. I am really focusing hard on the season, and my wife is pregnant this summer so we haven't really been able togo anywhere. I've just been here in the city working out, but I did go to Vegas for two weeks to train. But I couldn't wait to come back to be withher. It's my first kid. A little baby girl.

NYKnicks.com: Do you have a name yet?

Harrington: Amaya. She is due October 22, so I'm probably going to miss a little bit of training camp. But it's worth it.(laughs)

NYKnicks.com: Have you kept in touch with any of your teammates?

Harrington: I've seen (Chris) Duhon a couple of times, and the same with Gallo Wilson (Chandler) too. He is doing much better with hisankle, so the guys are working. Everybody is in the gym and we are exciting to come together and be a part of a team again.

NYKnicks.com: Have you spoken with Coach or Donnie Walsh at all?

Harrington: I've seen coach the last two days actually. You know Coach, he's always upbeat and he was really happy to see me. And Isaw Donnie today for the first time and we just talked a little bit about what we are trying to get in here and establish. He is always trying to make the teambetter…http://www.nba.com/knicks/news/summerqa09_harrington.html."
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