GoFundMe campaign for border wall raises $1 million and counting toward $1 billion goal


This is just like the person who spent like 100 racks on the travon murder weapon to give as a gift. The shear ignorance. They think they’re funding hate but I hope this dude runs off with everything.

And :rofl: at $10,015 dollars. I have a feeling my mans is in a trailer somewhere and gave up his whole entire nest egg :rofl:
When it looks like blatant trolling, but you go to their page and it's an actual person with a family.

Same folks are investing in Iraqi and North Korean currencies because "Trump will turn their values around."
Hahahahahahaha stupid people everywhere! Speaking of GoFunds me, really grinds my gears when some club hopping, jewelery wearing, bottle popping hustler gets popped and his mans decide to start up a Gofund me for funeral costs and kids fund...like bro...GTHO...lol
people willing to shell out for disguised bigotry but can't even simply volunteer at their local homeless shelter or veteran help centers
Racists aren't really bright or productive at doing things that make a difference
imagine a time when taxs still come out of your pay check but you can like log onto a site and put them toward things you actually want. Even if its like 10% of your taxes are up to you. Something would be awesome.

I would love to see where people would allocate their money. I would put mine toward road maintenance, NASA to find aliens and health care.
Blockchain smart contracts... fedcoin
I've always wanted to start a GoFundMe for my student loans. If everyone donated $1 to each other's student loans we'd all be debt free.
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