good quote for someone whos lost in life

Originally Posted by drock2010

Originally Posted by kicksgetmehigh

Never make someone a priority when they consider you an option
This quote just blew my mind
this one is
"The sky is the limit. I dont think God limited my talent. I Dont know how good i can be,but i know i can be better than I am right now."
"happiness is wanting what you have, not having what you want"

"faith is the courage to live your life as if everything that happens does so for your highest good and learning, like it or not"

"life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes; playing a poor hand well"
A quote from someone regarding their near death experience. It reminds you of how every little thing you do in life has value, no matter how insignificant itmay seem.

"All of my life up till the present seemed to be placed before me in a kind of panoramic, three-dimensional review, and each event seemed to beaccompanied by a consciousness of good or evil or with an insight into cause or effect. Not only did I perceive everything from my own viewpoint, but I alsoknew the thoughts of everyone involved in the event, as if I had their thoughts within me. This meant that I perceived not only what I had done or thought, buteven in what way it had influenced others, as if I saw things with all-seeing eyes. And so even your thoughts are apparently not wiped out. And all the timeduring the review the importance of love was emphasised. Looking back, I cannot say how long this life review and life insight lasted, it may have been long,for every subject came up, but at the same time it seemed just a fraction of a second, because I perceived it all at the same moment. Time and distance seemednot to exist. I was in all places at the same time, and sometimes my attention was drawn to something, and then I would be present there."
Great quotes. I like how over time, you realize more and more just how true some of these quotes are. you may not agree with a certain quote at this point inyour life.. but you never know when you're gonna run into it again and just realize how true it really is.
$*%%*$*%+%*$* look you in your eye, lie, and betray you, then say they love you at the same time. !%@@%*% ain't no better.

Be real to yourself first, then you can be real with others. Accept your weaknesses, improve them, and thank God for your strengths. And last but not least:Don't take nothing for granted and pray that by the end of the day that you have used that day well.

$*%%*$*%+%*$* that you love is the only ones who can hurt you or the only ones you can be hurt about. You gotta deal with that +%@* how ever it comes to you,even if it comes to you so bad that you feel like ain't nothing left. You gotta find something in you to say $%%$ that +%@*, I got God and not even lovecan stop me.

You can't cry over situations, you gotta learn to adapt to it. $%%$ it ,my milk spilled what I'm going to do in that situation. $%%$ it ,the milk isalready on the ground leave that +%@* there and keep moving.


"Never give up. Follow your dreams and stick to your plans. You also have to learn from others mistakes." - Rami Khoury.

"Thinking outside of the box seems unachievable to most, but for others it's the only way to live and the only way to realize their dreams." -Hugh Nguyen.

"Just follow your dreams. Never take "no" for an answer, because that's what my parents did, they always pressured me to go to school and goto college and you know sometimes it's not bad to say "no" and follow your own dreams." - Hugh Nguyen.

"Just don't give up. Even when it rains, just don't give up. Keep your eyes on your goal and you can get it." - Ryan Friedlinghaus.

"Too many people make excuses - blaming their upbringings or society for their failures - but, at the end of the day only you can determine how successfulyou'll be come." - John Jarasa.

"Stop making excuses and don't blame your childhood or any other tragedy for what ultimately amounts to your lack of drive. Get up and do somethingabout your situation if you're not satisfied with it." - John Jarasa.

"Don't ask for a handout. Ask for an idea." - Patrick Painter.

"Keep your word because it's the most valuable asset you have." - John Jarasa.

"You gotta have integrity, you have to be honest, you have to mean what you say and say what you mean." - Al Borda.

"To be realistic, money is nice but, don't get me wrong, it's definitely not everything." - Al Borda.

"There's no reason for anyone not to like me. I don't steal, I don't lie, I don't cheat, I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I'venever smoked weed. How are you not going to like someone who doesn't do that?" - Al Borda.

"A lot of people will do anything they can to being a "successful" person down simply because they can't find a way to get up there." -Al Borda.

"If your sole motivation is money then you probably won't make any, but if you're dedicated to serve, the money will come." - Beau Boeckman.

"You gotta do what you love, do your best, and never give up. Be honest and sincere with yourself in what you want out of life. For if you truly love whatyou do, you will succeed. - Beau Boeckman.

"I got a GED. If you take education on yourself you'll learn so much more than people who just follow a class schedule to fit it. You see me, Idon't follow a class schedule. I follow a life schedule and if I don't know something I'm going to learn about it." - Patrick Painter.

"Only you can make things happen and only you can make yourself happy. - Patrick Painter.

"It's like when so and so says "Oh, they make me happy." *******t man, you make you happy, and you're just in a good place and you enjoythat person." - Patrick Painter.

"When you do come up, stay respectful and don't forget where you came from, and never forget about the struggles you went through." - PatrickPainter.

"Keep it real all the time on the way up and remember that no one can do it perfect 100% of the time. Just keep it real and know that screwing up andfalling down is part of the job. That should humble you." - Patrick Painter.

"Everyday you have to try and move ahead, even if it's just a lil' bit. Drive yourself to make moves and do something to stay up on yourgame." - Patrick Painter.

"Ask yourself what you've done. Did I learn a new word today? Did I make it happen today? Did I make that extra phone call today? Just do somethingbecause it all adds up and eventually things will happen for your based on the collective work you put into it." - Patrick Painter.

"Compete with yourself. If you compete with you then the game is endless." - Patrick Painter.

"So many people are too afraid to take chances but, as with anything in life, the bigger the risks, the bigger the rewards." - Paul Mehrian.

"Rather than spending your time talking about everyone else's success, get out there and create your own." - John Jarasa.

"In the meantime, learn from the best, surround yourself with success, and be determined to talk about your own future and your own success sometimesoon." - John Jarasa.

"You should try to learn from every mistake you make, even if it hurts." - Tony Bencharit.

"What you drive is who you are and people like to look good when they drive." - Kennedy Nguyen.

"Stay strong and continue to do what you love." - Kennedy Nguyen.

"Karma brings back good things, so when you borrow something from someone pay it back twice, and always remember that hardships are always around thecorner and you can't prepare yourself for them but just know that you can't give up." - Kennedy Nguyen.

"Just stay focused and stay true. It's easy to get on top but it's hard to stay there." - "Face"

"People always say "Family first, family first", "That's not true, what comes first is respect." - "Face"

"There are plenty people with family members who will disrespect you and backstab you, so my famous quote would have to be "Respect beforefamily." - "Face"

"Remove all negativity from your life. I do not allow any negativity to come into my life or my house. It only slows down your process." - GurveerPattar.

"We all make mistakes but how do we prevent ourselves from committing the same mistake time and time again is what shows maturity and potential forgrowth." - Gurveer Pattar.

"Honesty is essential. You have to be honest and when you say something you have to stand behind what you say." - Anonymous.

"Don't give up. No matter that they say you're going to amount to, don't give up. The only way to make others have respect for you is tobelieve in yourself. Don't fall victim to gangs. Working on cars kept me out of trouble so find what entertains your mind and stick with it." - LewisClark.

"Love me or hate me. I'm going to be different." - Joe Tomasello.

"The real essence of life is the truth. The truth soothes and refreshes when it's told." - John Jarasa.

"Lies exposed after the fact are like a tumor with no cure. They'll just sit there and progressively eat you from the inside out until you'reconsumed." - John Jarasa.

"Truth produces trust and that's all we'll ever need in this lifetime, regardless of whether you're dealing with love or money." - JohnJarasa.

"I respect those who go to school and get that, but I believe in learning it myself and doing it whether or not they think I can do it." - StanleyButler II.

"I refuse to let some stereotype define what I'm going to make of myself." - Stanley Butler II.

"Some people have all the money in the world, but no one to share it with. How %@*+%% would that be? To have a lot of money is good, but if you can'trelate to the average person you have ruined your chances at living a happy life." - Tariq.

"I stand for peace, being cool, love, and taking no %%!@#%!!." - Christian Audigier.

"I genuinely believe that it is the ordinary people who will deliver extraordinary results." - Rafael Ralph Holguin.

"You only live once, so why p*ssy foot around everything? I'm not cold and rude for no reason, but hey none of us are going to make it out alive, sowhy *******t each other?" - Michael Ball.

"Even if you don't become the best, just trying will make you successful." - Pat Neve.

"You have to stick with the thing that you love and try and be the best you can. That's how you really succeed." - Pat Neve.

"Without loyalty you're nothing but a coward." - "Famous Crow"

"You gotta be loyal for someone to take you seriously." - "Famous Crow"

"When you're an @%$%%!+ you've got no problems but when you're a good-hearted dude, man it changes everything because of all of the sudden youget all the problems in the world." - "Famous Crow"

"So many people out there prey on kindness and take it for weakness and it sucks that they try and take advantage of your generosity. At the end of theday you have to be a man of your word and you have to have loyalty in business and friendship." - "Famous Crow"

"Don't lose sight of what's important-don't let work become your job." - Walter Neubauer Jr.

"It's very hard to trust people but at some time in your life you do have to learn to trust people." - Anthony Accetta.

"Surround yourself with people of good character." - Anthony Accetta.

"Nothing is impossible to achieve, your time is now. You will succeed if you work hard at everything that you do." - Joseph Safina.
Motivate myself, be myself, say what I feel. Spare nobodies feelings, speak as long as if it's real.
Everyday in africa a gazelle wakes up, and it knows it must run faster than the fastest lion if it wants to survive
Everyday in africa, a lion wakes up, and it knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle if it wants to survive
In any case, when you wake up, you better be running.
if you want to see the brave, look at those who can forgive. if you want to see the heroic, look at those who can love in return for hatred.

You want to be really great? Have the courage to fail big and stick around. Make them wonder why you're still smiling.
"Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there"

"You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to loose sight of the shore"
Originally Posted by Murkn3m

Originally Posted by FreddyPee

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that you're life will end. Be afraid that it will never begin.
i really like this one
bruce lee is that dude,

"It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential."

"I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations and you're not in this world to live up to mine."

"If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of."

"Take things as they are. Punch when you have to punch. Kick when you have to kick."
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