Google-net coming! Google ISP with 1Gbps Vol: Skynet is almost here.

is there anyone on NT with 56k?
Originally Posted by Black Racer X

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

the only reason we're behind is cause WE HAVE SO MUCH STUFF. everything we use in the US damn near uses the internet.
south korea is like... 92% rural land with cats farming when the sun comes up.

ive seen homeless with laptops jerkin they murfin to porn on the streets in LA. right under the 10 freeway when you coming up broadway.

thats why we so slow. its hella internet traffic too. it slows down.

Explain Japan?

Today, Japan’s blistering broadband growth continues. The most recentreport from Japan’s MPHPT, the national telecom regulator, shows thatin the year ending June 2004, Japan gained 5.2 million new DSL, cablemodem and FTTH customers, for 15.6 million total customers. Today100Mbps FTTH is Japan’s fastest growing service–with 1.4 millioncustomers in June 2004–and Japan’s DSL typically runs at ten times USrates. In raw numbers, Japan has less than half as many people as theUS (126 million vs. 275 million), yet it has six broadband customersfor every ten in the U.S. (14 million vs. 27 million).

The US is a lot bigger than Japan. It cost a lot of money to lay fiber over large distances. Broadband speeds in most metropolitan areas are comparable if not better to speeds available in Japan in other countries.

Speeds in rural America are slow because of the lack of broadband infrastructure in those areas. It's not economically feasible to provide those areas with the same speeds that are available in Metropolitan areas.

When you toss in things like the lack of competition between digital service providers and lack of demand for ultra high speed internet, that also delays the adoption of faster internet speeds in America.
Originally Posted by RetroFighterUSAW

isn't 1 gbps fast?...
whats with the 

Extremely fast. For example, Comcast's most expensive plan offers 50 mb/s. That's why the
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by RetroFighterUSAW

isn't 1 gbps fast?...
whats with the 

Extremely fast. For example, Comcast's most expensive plan offers 50 mb/s. That's why the
yeah, with this speed you could fill up any HD in minutes
Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by jayt206

wow 1gps, hope the Beta will be available in Seattle. While i'm sure connection speeds will likely be well under that speed they will be much better than what's currently offerred.   Oh and why are so many people always worried about Google's so called monitoring system? If the higher ups really want to track you down it does not matter what ISP service you are using.
That's true, but net neutrality would place a virtual monopoly on different kinds of web services.

If net neutrality was allowed (google is pro net neutrality,) you could have your access to things like photobucket, *chans, tube, or any "undesirable" sites limited. If not completely removed.

While they can look at what you're doing, as long as it's not illegal, they can't stop you. Net neutrality could take away that freedom.
Net Neutrality would keep the internet NEUTRAL. Meaning that an ISP can't limit or restrict access to any website. We currently have Net Neutrality. If we were to do away with it, your ISP could start limiting access to sites that don't have contracts with them. Or if you want access to certain sites, you would have to pay more. This is what it your ISP could do if there was no net neutrality;

oh my bad. i had it backwards. my bad playboy.
Originally Posted by Black Racer X

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

the only reason we're behind is cause WE HAVE SO MUCH STUFF. everything we use in the US damn near uses the internet.
south korea is like... 92% rural land with cats farming when the sun comes up.

ive seen homeless with laptops jerkin they murfin to porn on the streets in LA. right under the 10 freeway when you coming up broadway.

thats why we so slow. its hella internet traffic too. it slows down.

Explain Japan?

Today, Japan’s blistering broadband growth continues. The most recentreport from Japan’s MPHPT, the national telecom regulator, shows thatin the year ending June 2004, Japan gained 5.2 million new DSL, cablemodem and FTTH customers, for 15.6 million total customers. Today100Mbps FTTH is Japan’s fastest growing service–with 1.4 millioncustomers in June 2004–and Japan’s DSL typically runs at ten times USrates. In raw numbers, Japan has less than half as many people as theUS (126 million vs. 275 million), yet it has six broadband customersfor every ten in the U.S. (14 million vs. 27 million).

Japan isnt that big. it would be nothing to connect such a small country to a super fast connection.
the united states has more land to cover.
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

No thanks
I'm thinking about it

they keep your history if you're logged into gmail
(they ask of course... but they're interested is what I'm saying
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