GOP Chairman Plans To Target Hip-Hop Audience In The Coming Future

While I do agree that most blacks are fiscally and socially conservative, the republican party is stained from the Reagan years on. Steele is viewed as nothing more than an uncle tom.

100% Truth.
i think as time goes on blacks will be less socially conservative, GOP has maybe a 10 year window where blacks are still socially conservative which is 30years too little..

fiscally conservative i disagree with I believe it is more down the line than anything...
Rush Limbaugh > Michael Steele

And it's not even close

And people saying the Republican party is at odds have no idea what they're talking about......

And damn right Steele better had apologize..... if not he'd be disowned by Conservatives.
I was mad when he said what he did about Rush.
What a stupid move.... but it was a heat of the moment type thing.
He knows they believe in the same things, so he apologized.
thats your problem TBone you're the party of Rush Limbaugh now and no one besides conservatives want to be on that boat... Even moderate republican votersare turned off by the republican party if Rush is the head.. Conservatives will never vote dem... so Steele didnt have to apologize. If republicans were smartthey would say I don't want him to be the voice of this party the man is idiotic and racist, and there is no place for that here. But they coward down to15% of there party, and jade the other 85% it is dumb politics.
First of all you guys have no idea what you're taking about.
Worry about your own party, because you clearly know nothing about mine/ours.

Second of all.... your points are irrelevent.

Obama won because of Bush.....

And a Republican WILL WIN if Obama completely tanks the economy.
If the economy turns around, he'll stay in 4 more years.

It's really that simple.
tbone obviously u kno nothing about politics if you think this is the right course of action for the republicans.. check your approval ratings.. checkobama's... check the dems... remember politics is a popularity contest.
Man republicans should be happy democrats are nice enough to even tell them what to do to gain seats. I guarentee if they followed the dmocrats advicethey'd have 47 seats after the 2010 election, but they don't want to listen.. Watch 2010 we will most likely either have the same amount of seats orthe 60 seats for fillibuster proof, your call.. Obviously they won't listen so we will enjoy the next 10 years as you keep rewinding yourself driving offthe cliff.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

SOLD HIS SOU, now they got him apologizing to damn RUSH LIMBAUGH? and he's STILL apart of that party? Dude is a certified CLOWN $!@ UNCLE TOM and is getting what he deserves for lying in bed with people who only wanted to use him as a pawn. He let them set him up to fail, and now that he has, they wanna get rid of him. What does that leave him? A black republican in a party, that embarrassed you, and now doesn't want you, surprised?
a black person can't be a republican now without being a uncle tom? so all blacks should think the same and be democrats? idiot. the race ofpeople that constantly complains about other races grouping them as one, have the nerves to say such things.
another thing i found quite ironic is how in the 60's you had black protesters being beaten and going to jail so the future generations could have equalrights. but look at the current state of black america, looks like they'd be so proud.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

First of all you guys have no idea what you're taking about.
Worry about your own party, because you clearly know nothing about mine/ours.

Second of all.... your points are irrelevent.

Obama won because of Bush.....

And a Republican WILL WIN if Obama completely tanks the economy.
If the economy turns around, he'll stay in 4 more years.

It's really that simple.
Obama won because he was the best candidate, plain and simple. BTW Bush was an extremely conservative President, and looked what happened. To be honest I am just enjoying watching the Republican screw themselves over and over and over.
2010 is going to be another blood bath for them. And you guys leading candidates for 2012 are Romney, Jindal and Palin.
OMG. You guys are just making it too easy.

you honestly think obama would have won had the economy been decent or bush did a decent job?
you really think america would have voted him in? with all the hidden racism NTloves to spew, i figured you guys would know better
2010 is going to be a blood bath for the Republicans?

Like the Democrats are doing really great the past 2 years since they controlled Congress. Congress approval rating is what again? 30%?

Remember in 2006, voters were pissed at Bush because he had an open commitment to Iraq and voters voted Democrats in to end the war in Iraq. Not only did theDemocrats fail to stop the war in Iraq, the Democratic controlled Congress continued to bow down to Bush and kept funding billions for the Iraq war.

Now that they have this lame duck President following the same policies as GW Bush, voters especially moderates will again lean towards the right. If the USis going to continue a war regardless we might as well have a real Cmdr in Chief. You know someone that actually served our country and is respected by themilitary. Not a guy that continues to preach and promise and pledge and say he'll do this and that. Someone needs to smack Obama in the face and let himknow he already won the Presidency and there is no need for promises anymore. It's time for action.

Just wait a year or two when US casualties hits 500 - 1,000 dead in Afghanistan and the economy continues to plunge. Disgruntled voters will again switchsides.

But yah I gotta agree Steele is such an idiot talking about attracting hip hop heads. Hillarious
if Bush did well no democrat would have won but good or bad economy obama was going to win
This dude ain't got no street cred.

Republicans are SALTY these days... at least we're getting a good laugh out of it.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

2010 is going to be a blood bath for the Republicans?

Like the Democrats are doing really great the past 2 years since they controlled Congress. Congress approval rating is what again? 30%?

Remember in 2006, voters were pissed at Bush because he had an open commitment to Iraq and voters voted Democrats in to end the war in Iraq. Not only did the Democrats fail to stop the war in Iraq, the Democratic controlled Congress continued to bow down to Bush and kept funding billions for the Iraq war.

Now that they have this lame duck President following the same policies as GW Bush, voters especially moderates will again lean towards the right. If the US is going to continue a war regardless we might as well have a real Cmdr in Chief. You know someone that actually served our country and is respected by the military. Not a guy that continues to preach and promise and pledge and say he'll do this and that. Someone needs to smack Obama in the face and let him know he already won the Presidency and there is no need for promises anymore. It's time for action.

Just wait a year or two when US casualties hits 500 - 1,000 dead in Afghanistan and the economy continues to plunge. Disgruntled voters will again switch sides.

But yah I gotta agree Steele is such an idiot talking about attracting hip hop heads. Hillarious
Wow you are just as bad as TBone. If you haven't payed attention Obama is carrying out on all his promises so far. Also a lame duck presidentmeans one who doesn't know what he is doing and Obama is a person who is very politically smart.

Also a good commander in cheif does not need to have served in the military. He needs to be a strong leader.. John McCain barely has foreign policyintelligence. He says he knows how to win wars.. How? He should have helped Bush.. And lets not forget the war he was in we lost. He knows how to catch Osama.How? He should have spoke up 2 years ago when he "knew". You don't need to have served in military to be a great commander in cheif... Also Ibelieve that since you don't respect him you assume no one else does. But i guarentee you the soldiers respect him just fine.

Obama's intelligence and common sense > your intelligence and common sense.
Michael Steele yet again showing he has not backbone by first apologizing to Rush and then recently going on the air to justify his apology to Rush, SMH. Like I said before, Michael Steele is right where he belongs in the GOP, he's a political pawn with no heart or courage at all. Already a large number ofRepublicans want him gone from the GOP chair, he's days might be numbered.

The Obama Administration trying to DISTRACT the American people because of there PATHETIC Economic agenda.

Obama's intelligence and common sense > your intelligence and common sense.

My poo > Obama's intelligence on the economy.


At you dudes trying to bash SunDOOBIE, he voted for Obama and now he sees the administration is a bunch of clowns and are doing NOTHING trying to help theAmerican people is following Bush's wide expansion of Gov't.
Fede you were the one who said Democrats should be afraid of Michael Steele...

Your intelligence < intelligence of a table
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

2010 is going to be a blood bath for the Republicans?

Like the Democrats are doing really great the past 2 years since they controlled Congress. Congress approval rating is what again? 30%?

Remember in 2006, voters were pissed at Bush because he had an open commitment to Iraq and voters voted Democrats in to end the war in Iraq. Not only did the Democrats fail to stop the war in Iraq, the Democratic controlled Congress continued to bow down to Bush and kept funding billions for the Iraq war.

Now that they have this lame duck President following the same policies as GW Bush, voters especially moderates will again lean towards the right. If the US is going to continue a war regardless we might as well have a real Cmdr in Chief. You know someone that actually served our country and is respected by the military. Not a guy that continues to preach and promise and pledge and say he'll do this and that. Someone needs to smack Obama in the face and let him know he already won the Presidency and there is no need for promises anymore. It's time for action.

Just wait a year or two when US casualties hits 500 - 1,000 dead in Afghanistan and the economy continues to plunge. Disgruntled voters will again switch sides.
SunDoobie keeping it real lately.

You make some GREAT points.

And you're right.......... politics go in cycles........ Republican, Democrat, Republican, Democrat........ Republicans are back up next.... either in 4years or 8 years...... most likely 4 if Obama doesn't get this economy fixed in the next 2-3 years
you guys don't get it. politics is a cycle but they got voted out not because of some cycle they got voted out because people can't stand them.

btw look at yourself tbone for the reason people hate the republican party you have no clue as to what you are doing wrong. and also a person is only keepingit real if they agree with you proves that also..

Originally Posted by Essential1

Wow you are just as bad as TBone. If you haven't payed attention Obama is carrying out on all his promises so far. Also a lame duck president means one who doesn't know what he is doing and Obama is a person who is very politically smart.

Also a good commander in cheif does not need to have served in the military. He needs to be a strong leader.. John McCain barely has foreign policy intelligence. He says he knows how to win wars.. How? He should have helped Bush.. And lets not forget the war he was in we lost. He knows how to catch Osama. How? He should have spoke up 2 years ago when he "knew". You don't need to have served in military to be a great commander in cheif... Also I believe that since you don't respect him you assume no one else does. But i guarentee you the soldiers respect him just fine.

Obama's intelligence and common sense > your intelligence and common sense.

This is going to be FUN
If you haven't payed attention Obama is carrying out on all his promises so far.

Ummmmaybe you need to pay more attention and get your head out of Obama's WHAT!?

Let me quote…
"Absolutely, we need earmark reform. And when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely." Barack Obama, September 26, 2008

And so what does Obama do? Oh he only signed a $410-billion spendingbill that contains $7.7 billion worth of earmarks.


Let see.. another broken promise again let me quote him….
"We're spending $10 billion a month in Iraq at a time when the Iraqis have a $79 billion surplus

Funny if Iraq has all this surplus then why is our great President Obama requestingONLY $205 billion in war funding through 2010.

Also a good commander in cheif does not need to have served in the military. He needs to be a strong leader..

Yes please ask the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan how their morale is going these daysconsidering they now are serving for a liar like Obama whom promised to bring them home in 16 months… wait wait.. 19 months.. well not really 19 months because50,000 US troops will still be in Iraq but hey they will be home by Dec 31, 2011. Just 3 more years since being elected.. that'sall.

John McCain barely has foreign policy intelligence. He says he knows how to win wars.. How? He should have helped Bush..

Ummm again.. have you not been paying attention? You know back in 2006,the Iraq War was at its lowest point, massive casualties, and the violence spiraled out of control and guess who was the one that pushed for the SURGE in Iraq. John McCain. Oh but wait… Obama said..
"No military surge, no matter how brilliantly performed, can succeed without political reconciliation and a surge of diplomacy in Iraq and the region,"

Hmmm if military surges can't succeed than I wonder what do you call 17,000 additional troops to Afghanistan without any clear goal or mission mean? OHyah it is called a SURGE!

1. Let's see Obama has proposed a stimulus plan, health care, education, infrastructure and 3 months difference on Iraq, closing Gitmo, ending torture,extending hand of diplomacy to Iran. it was inevitable to have a tranistion troops for a year or so after. He said troops will be out in 16 months, and he willhave COMBAT TROOPS OUT IN 19.. That is not a broken promise. He is giving us what we asked. Also tranistion troops are to ensure the minute we leave all hellbreaks loose and allow Iraqi government to get its footing.

2. Earmarks are important to get things done in the country and I never had a problem with them if used wisely...
2006 fiscal year: $31.6 billion in earmarks (Washington Post)

In Obama's campaign he also said he would drop earmarks back to their 1994 level - the year before Republicans took control of the House and the practiceof earmarking soared.

In 1994 earmark level was $7.8 billion... 2009 $7.7 million oh thats a lie...

Also 41 republican senators are getting $669 million of earmarks and 57 democratic senators ($667million).

3. We can't just pull out of Iraq.. He listened to the Generals and his Secretary of Defense what would be best course of action they said 24 months Obamawas saying 16 months. So he made in between.. Again no lie because he said he would listen to the generals on the ground.

4. Ummmmmmmmmmmm haven't you heard McCain didn't create the surge he put his support behind it.. He didn't write it.. Plus history will look at theIraq war as a failure. Guess who opposed it from the beginning Barack Obama. You will say why is he putting troops in for 3 more months if he opposes it, Wellyou can't carelessly withdraw from a country because it causes even more problems and will cause a third Iraq War for U.S. in less than a decade if we justpulled out. Less you forget McCain said we could be there for 100 years and he'd have no problem with it.. 19 months compared to 1200 months you choose.

5. Now you are splitting hairs with Afghanistan and Iraq because it is two total different situations..

You may have thought YES YOU SUCCEEDED


Is that you Joe Libermann????????????????????????????
SunDoobie I think you might be one of the ones who voted for Obama without knowing what the f his policies were or you really didn't vote for him at all ,because if you were a true supporter and payed attention to what the man said, you would be highly pleased...

I could see if you had a problem with the bailout because I do, but other than that he is keeping to his word or pretty damn close to it..
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