Has Being on Niketalk helped you out in anyway when it came to real life?

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

My D game has improved 55%.

but me and my brother talk about nt all the time so i guess that says tomething
A lot, I view a lot of things differently I was always looking from the hood point of it .I learned a lot of stuff about clothes,health,Tech,Jewelry Etc. NT is def appreciated
A lot, I view a lot of things differently I was always looking from the hood point of it .I learned a lot of stuff about clothes,health,Tech,Jewelry Etc. NT is def appreciated
i've met some cool people on NT. Also definitely helped back in the day when i was buying sneakers all the time.
i've met some cool people on NT. Also definitely helped back in the day when i was buying sneakers all the time.
-Learned about simps, lames, fools thinkin they're doing it
-Tips with the ladies
-Which cars are good/not good
-Learned about people from different parts of the world
-Got my android phone looking different
-How to carry myself like a man, got me started early on my maturity game
-Learned about simps, lames, fools thinkin they're doing it
-Tips with the ladies
-Which cars are good/not good
-Learned about people from different parts of the world
-Got my android phone looking different
-How to carry myself like a man, got me started early on my maturity game
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