has this new generation of kids invent ANYTHING new fashionwise?

What about Southwestern/Navajo print?

You can also consider the revival of many fashion trends/styles from the past a creation of the internet generation. Kinda like how hip hop producers use old music samples to make something of their own.
What about Southwestern/Navajo print?
You can also consider the revival of many fashion trends/styles from the past a creation of the internet generation. Kinda like how hip hop producers use old music samples to make something of their own.
Native American Indian prints are from the 90s sir.
Quite frankly as a member of this generation (I'm 24 btw) we are absolutely better dressed than damn near any other generation so i'm ok with that. All that 3x jeans/hoodie **** is for the birds.
theres a lot of stuff that is new/original, but most of it does build on previous trends

i think OP is thinking about the Hipster craze thats "cool" , all they wear is retro styled stuff and everything is vintage
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