Have you ever dated someone richer than you?

every time
u still in high school op don't sweat. worry about this when you actually start trying to court em
I fear that she looks down on me and will ditch me at anytime because I honestly have nothing to offer her as i'm not good looking,not popular enough to make her the baddest chick at school and can't ball like the rich kids who have more jordans than I do clothes.
Originally Posted by th3answ3r

Has it ever affected a relationship? I feel insuperior to her because she is a rich girl and I'm broke.  She can tell from the clothes I wear that I am not as rich as her

Dating a nurse now who pulled in almost 100k last year, so yea.   Ive mentioned the things she buys me on here so safe to say she my sugar momma  
  Dont bother me one bit 
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