Have you EVER seen this much of a resemblance with no relation?

It must be true that people have a harder time identifying faces outside of their own race, because most of the white lookalikes seem like reaches to me (Ferrel and that other guy especially).
It must be true that people have a harder time identifying faces outside of their own race, because most of the white lookalikes seem like reaches to me (Ferrel and that other guy especially).
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Solange is so !$!*@%$ bad. I don't know what it is but she's sexy as hell.

pass...........she remind me of the dude from that movie drumline
Came in here to say this

remember that game for sega, Jurrassic Park, where you could pick to be the scientist or Chris Bosh?

i loved that game.

remember that game for sega, Jurrassic Park, where you could pick to be the scientist or Chris Bosh?

i loved that game.
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