Health Care reform bill 101 vol. what it means to you.

May 10, 2007
So I was reading on some things today, more towards the age dependency up to age 26.  The reason I ask is, I'm 23, turning 24 next month so that means on my 24th birthday, I don't have insurance anymore.  Now my question is, does anyone know when the bill is effective, or when/how I can extend my insurance up to age 26.  I currently, have asthma, (dependent on albuterol), just found out from my doctor that I need to get surgery for my left shoulder to prevent dislocation, and I'm in school, so money's tight with insurance and stuff, but I'm getting really great benefits from my mom.  If anyone can help shed some light as to what passes first, later on, because I know that the bill is passed, but some things does not take effect until 2014 or something. Good looking out.

But more importantly, does anyone know when the age 26 dependency bill pass?
I'm not being a smart@!# or anything,but there's already a pretty lengthy thread on this issue.
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