Help finding an appellate lawyer for family law in San Diego?? Won custody of my son but I still can’t get him.

Feb 17, 2006
Fighting for primary Custody of my youngest son. I won the initial trial and granted move away orders. But the opposing party(sons mother) appealed the move away order that was won by the court. So I could not take my son with me when I moved Out of San Diego to Virginia. It has now been 2 months since I seen my son. I need help with deciding a family APPELLATE lawyer. My previous lawyer was terrible and almost lost the sure fire easy win in my case. My lawyer now has been dragging and fumbling filing the court minutes and making it take longer to get my son.
I am just trying not to get fleeced any more after dealing with my last lawyer.
if any NTers are knowledgeable about APPELLATE lawyers in SoCal please interject. 🙏🏽
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