HELP! My Friend is down with Transamerica. Is it legitimate?

Aug 21, 2005
My friend of 20 years wanted to sit me down and put me onto this. Is this a pyramid scheme or legitimate or like one of those PrimeAmerica jigs? :smh:

I cant even have a normal conversation with this guy anymore because he always brings this up. Might have to back away from him if this continues...
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If he's a true friend you should be able to tell him he's being an idiot and he needs to chill.

That is really what a friend is. Sometimes you got to say **** you don't want to.
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Watch him turn successful and you gonna be at his doorstep begging to put him on!

You gonna asking for money everytime, trying to be his best friend.
At least it isn't wake up now. One of my mans signed up for wake up now, I had to disown him.
Period scheme
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