Horror Movie Buffs Please Enter.

Aug 18, 2009
I have bits and pieces of this movie stuck in my head. The only problem is I can't remember the title.
All I know is that it is sort of a comedic horror movie and it came out anywhere between the 70s and early 90s, but I'm pretty sure it was released in the 80s.

One of the major scenes in the movie that I remember was of a fair-skinned woman slowly raising her hands above her face and something suddenly going through the back of her head and out through her mouth. This scene was most memorable because of the obvious mannequin used to replace the woman.

I know this is a shot in the dark based off of my description, but any guess and clue would be greatly appreciated.

(I've tried google already)
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

I have bits and pieces of this movie stuck in my head. The only problem is I can't remember the title.
All I know is that it is sort of a comedic horror movie and it came out anywhere between the 70s and early 90s, but I'm pretty sure it was released in the 80s.

One of the major scenes in the movie that I remember was of a fair-skinned woman slowly raising her hands above her face and something suddenly going through the back of her head and out through her mouth. This scene was most memorable because of the obvious mannequin used to replace the woman.

I know this is a shot in the dark based off of my description, but any guess and clue would be greatly appreciated.

(I've tried google already)

really narrowed it down

sorry i can't be of any help but that made me laugh a little
I said I was pretty sure it came out in the 80s. The look of the scenes sort of reminds me of Peewee's Playhouse.
Remember the first time i kiss your forehead lol i didnt even know what your reaction was lol but yeah least i tried to see what you would do since we both like each other a lol. Why didn't i see it back then? lol least i know now. cant wait to go camping. im gonna catch me some frogs and lizard and bring them to my backyard.
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Can you recall any other scenes? Character names? Was it a major release?

That's the thing. I can't remember anything.
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