How does NT feel about a woman with Morton's Toe?

al audi

Jun 18, 2009
View media item 1824627

Im talking about number 3

-Greek foot (also known as Morton’s foot) has the 2nd toe longer than all of the other toes. Can be seen on Roman statues Tiberius, the Greek God Apollo and the Statue of Liberty. Indicates leadership qualities. Rulers from ancient Egyptian and Hawaiian royal dynasties all had long second toes. You need to be in charge. (DK: Yup. Got this right. Kids, listen up. Your old man is a near direct descendant of Apollo. Greeks’ Rule.)

-Germanic foot (also known as Peasant feet or Giselle feet) has at least 3 toes similar in length and tend to be short and stubby. Stable functioning foot. Ideal for ballerinas. (DK: Wow. Peasant and Ballerina. Scratch your head on that one.)

-Egyptian foot has the longest big toe with all other toes tapering down. Described as the most functional of all of the foot structures. (DK: Figures that the pyramid-builders would get this right.)

-Celtic Toe: Wiki** states that article references on this topic are subject to deletion as there is no scientific support or basis for these conclusions. (DK: Bottom Line: If you have Celtic toes, you’re in deep trouble.)
Roman Toes: (DK: Couldn’t find any research. Even Wiki** had a minor passing reference. So you are either alien or a yet-to-be-discovered species.)

NT buddy of mine has a foot fetish an we now anytime I look at a woman I say to myself................"What do her feet look like though?"

I actually know a really nice girl, pretty face an everything personality A+

That #3 foot though :smh:

It wouldn't matter to me. I ain't into feet at all, they disgust me

i never cared before, this dude made me very aware

granted this is the first #3 foot i ever met, so i cant say i ever dealt with feet that looked a lil off always been consistent
Im a 3 so it doesn't bother me. I can't stand a woman with stubby toes in flip flops though
Does Uma Thurman have Morton's toe?

Based on that chart I have Egyptian roots.

It's weird that **** matters. But according to that they're descendants of greatness while you're of peasant stock, they should be looking down at you.
Wasnt slick dissin anyone more or chick

Just wanted opinions on the subject or your preference. I never seen #3 before so it threw me off.
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Not that big of a deal honestly. I have #3 and thought it was normal until I was like 8.

I know a girl who's third toe is shorter than the rest. Very weird, never seem any other cases like that.

Just read the description and it's low key spot on. I'm laid back but I love being in charge. Very interesting. What if subtle body features such as this hint is towards our calling in life, soul mate, where we should live etc.
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My middle toes are naturally bent so it looks like 1.. if i apply pressure to flatten them out then I'm a 3. 

That egyption-greek combo 
I dated this pretty hot chick in college and could not get passed her hammer toes, it killed me because I really wanted to like her :smh:
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