How does this video make you feel?

Aug 26, 2005
I just saw this video pop up on my feed and it put things a little better in perspective. It is a year old but it still applies.

Although he was only equipped with a firearm, no mace or taser, what do you think about the circumstances?

In the first instance, it seems he was doomed regardless, and the second, mace or a taser would've sufficed.

As for the third, I just don't know. This definitely helps put things in perspective.

Take a person who hasn't been trained to be a police officer.....

and put them in a life or death scenario.....

then use their response to justify the actions of trained police officers...

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should still be rules on engagement involved instead of going straight for the instant kill. there were instances in that video where he had time to shoot the guy in the leg or even use a taser.

Now for the scenario where the dude went into the back of the car and fired instantly those are instances where you cant be prepared for. But i think a scenario like that where a dude instantly shoots a cop on sight rarely happens.
He wasn't given any other way to protect himself other than a handgun. How can you give an untrained person less tools and expect them to pass this test? One of the dumbest things I've ever seen and I've seen that on my timeline as well.
Does anyone know the necessary procedures that are taught? Family members, forum members?

I'm curious to know if anyone has proper insight on what the police should be doing in these instances.
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