How long do you want to live NT?

Being that I know I am active and will be active my whole life, I want to live as long as possible. You won't ever see me as a vegetable. I'm going to be that grandpa that goes scuba diving, rock climbing, sky diving, etc.
My Plan is being a Zombie... real talk. But otherwise like early 50's once i go flaccid.
I want to see my kids... kids

when I can no longer hold an erection.

I would love to live forever but growing up is inevitable dammmmn
I want to stop aging at 23-25 and go on from there for all eternity.

Tuck Everlasting G (book) oat

well 1 of the greatest.
not very independent. i dont wanna live to be 90 years old if i need assitance to poop

my great aunt just died a month ago and she was 90 and last time i saw her she couldnt even life the spoon to her mouth to eat her pudding.

i dont wanna be like that.

but i do appreciate life
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