How many Daschunds (weenie dogs) to kill a tiger??

50? Ill up it to 35 max...they have pretty good bite strength if they get to the neck. Plus, they're athletic too. A tiger with 35 clinging and tugging isn't going anywhere fast lol
We talking a tiger bruhs....what kind of Daschunds ya been exposed to!?...

I don't think ANY number of these little dogs can take down a tiger man...if things get THAT bad a tiger can always outrun them :lol: which is something is have to see to believe..


Valid point...assuming the tiger won't run...35 gets the job done. Imagine being swarmed by anything, it won't be easy to clear ALL of them. Especially if they're aggrivated, pretty tenacious dogs lmao.
We talking a tiger bruhs....what kind of Daschunds ya been exposed to!?...

I don't think ANY number of these little dogs can take down a tiger man...if things get THAT bad a tiger can always outrun them :lol: which is something is have to see to believe..

I concur.
Clearly yall have forgotten my bro Sher Kahn. he'd do damage with those little hotdogs with sauerkraut lol.

with that said, stamina plays a big part in any battle and i think about 20-25 will do the job. honestly maybe less tho. all those little mouths nipping and biting at his feet. and theyre too short to get on top of him, but i can see it tripping over one of those little guys and falling on his sides and then its curtains.
Let me go up... I'll say 100. Think about how long it'll take their little mouths to do damage. Tigers are quick and strong.
Ya'll assuming that Dachschunds are aggressive dogs. Its not trained to kill anything, its purpose is to be cute and cuddly and wait for food to be put on its plate.

Tiger has to live bruh, 100 Dachschunds will probably wag their tails thinking its momma in a costume then get the clap.
IDK if y'all are being serious right now.
25 Weenie dogs to take down a real tiger??? A full grown tiger?
I don't even see how that would be physically possible but I'd venture to say upper hundreds or thousands and the tiger would have to be critically hurt.
I'm honestly lost on the question and my head is about to explode :lol: :lol:
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Thousands of years of domestication and selective breeding to create a lap dog

Replace pigs with dachshunds = flawless victory
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change thread title to "How many trained fighters to take down a gorilla?" and we got something. that would at least be fun to watch :lol:
400 lb tiger gets swarmed and tired (assuming it doesn't retreat)...its going down...and it won't take 50 to do it.
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