How many phone numbers do you know by heart????


and i got about 50 barcodes memorized from work lol

Im good with numbers

did you know is roughly equal to 2.718281828459045?
quite a few

id see an old friend that i havent seen since like, grade 10 or so (im 20 now) and i would tell them id give em a call later to catch up. they would ask if istill had their number and id be like, "yeah, is it still...?"without even taking out my phone. most of the time, i got a
followed by, "howthe *$@# did you remember that?"
Before cellphones I had no problems remembering numbers

Now: Mom, Grandmother, my own, work and strangly my high school girlfriends from 1996 lol
like 3, including my own so thats really 2. With out my contact list on my phone I'd be screwed.
Only know the cell phone numbers of my family thats close to me, dont even know my Girls number by heart.
house, mom, dad, brother, work, 4 homies, girlfriend, lil cousin's house. and mine. 11 numbers.
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