How many real ride or die friends do you have?


Jan 2, 2011

maybe 1. Which is sad because I can think of like 6 people off the top that if they needed ANYTHING, I'd be there.
2 forsure. 2 highly probables but aint no tellin until the situation presents itself. I had a dude that I thought was a ride or die homie until 3 months ago. Son showed his true colors. Havent spoken to him since and never will again. For the most part, friendship aint real. It's merely a facade.
Outside of family, maybe one or two. I don't wanna ever have to think about choosing a best man for my wedding. %$#! will be tough.
"All I need in this life of sin, is me and my girlfriend" -2pac The only person besides my parents who I know would die for me, and I for her. Besides her maybe one, and I say maybe so doesn't count.
Besides my parents, my girl, little bro and sister....probably just one. I don't expect anyone to be there for me besides them cause I don't trust many people period.
1. Thought i had more, because i would, but when you sit and think about it, they ain't. I got your back even if we're just acquantainces.
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