How much truth to the DiVinci Code (book)?

Jan 27, 2009
So I just finally got around to opening this book. I'm about a third of the way through it now, it's so damnedhard to put down. There are some pretty shocking allegations being made, it's got me wondering how much is fiction and how much can be attributed tohistorical fact? Anyone in the know please feel free to chime in!

(for the visual learners out there...)


I heard alot of it isnt true but u gotta remember its technically a fiction book fam he can def write whatever
jesus most likely taught something close to gnostic christainity, but i don't think he had a wife.
Thanks for the responses fella's. I suppose I'm stupid for expecting anything but cynicism, this is NT afterall.How many of you guys have actually read the book and done research to verify/refute things that were said? Just saying... Eh... guess I should have made athread about Pharell's tattoo's (or lack thereof) or which new pair of denim I should buy to elicit a few more responses

*ponders the whereabouts of his fellow NT conspiracy theorists on this lonely wednesday night*

Well the book was fiction, so I would say close to zero. People just got way to heated over it.
Originally Posted by nine point five

Thanks for the responses fella's. I suppose I'm stupid for expecting anything but cynicism, this is NT afterall. How many of you guys have actually read the book and done research to verify/refute things that were said? Just saying... Eh... guess I should have made a thread about Pharell's tattoo's (or lack thereof) or which new pair of denim I should buy to elicit a few more responses

*ponders the whereabouts of his fellow NT conspiracy theorists on this lonely wednesday night*


if you wanted are a opinion don't just turn around and pretty much saying we have no knowledge on it. But you're welcome
Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by nine point five

Thanks for the responses fella's. I suppose I'm stupid for expecting anything but cynicism, this is NT afterall. How many of you guys have actually read the book and done research to verify/refute things that were said? Just saying... Eh... guess I should have made a thread about Pharell's tattoo's (or lack thereof) or which new pair of denim I should buy to elicit a few more responses

*ponders the whereabouts of his fellow NT conspiracy theorists on this lonely wednesday night*

if you wanted are a opinion don't just turn around and pretty much saying we have no knowledge on it. But you're welcome
Sorry champ, I neither speak nor read gibberish. I read and reread what you typed three times and I stillhave pretty much NO idea what the *!*% you are trying to say to me right now...

you mightas well read angel and demons by him (dan brown)... pretty good book and makes you think alot.. way better than the davinci code in my opinion..
there are plenty of books that point out all the "mistakes" dan brown made in his books.

check any bookstore..

christian bookstores especially have lots of books to refute every little detail.
Originally Posted by 255forLife

there are plenty of books that point out all the "mistakes" dan brown made in his books.

check any bookstore..

christian bookstores especially have lots of books to refute every little detail.
There are also books that points out the bible's inconsistent, conflicting, and contradicting text. Look it up! amazon got books.
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