How often do you see a Lyft car around your way?

Mr Dink

formerly foamposite xi
Oct 8, 2012
If you don't know what a Lyft car is,

Identifiable by the pink mustache. You're basically running your own taxi service. People pay you for gas, your time, etc. I personally see them everywhere around here. I guess it's a good way to get around if you don't have a car.

How about you?
Is that why I'm seeing mustaches on cars in San Diego?

I just thought people were dumb. Now I'm finding out that they're dumb and probably going to get murdered.

I learned something.
I was a lyft driver in SF for like a month, it was fun for a while, but don't feel like doing it anymore.
so what is it exactly? just put on a pink mustache and you're a taxi driver?
It's just like getting a job. They do background screenings, check your driving record, etc. Then there's a 2 week orientation and you get the mustache. Then when there's a passenger, your phone goes off and they pay you through the Lyft app.
so what is it exactly? just put on a pink mustache and you're a taxi driver?
It's just like getting a job. They do background screenings, check your driving record, etc. Then there's a 2 week orientation and you get the mustache. Then when there's a passenger, your phone goes off and they pay you through the Lyft app.
Interdasting. Does the mustache come in purple? 
I'm guessing car2go didn't workout for ya?
No, I haven't gotten around to it yet. I have a car, so I'm in no rush. A Car2Go would just be used to getting to the city without having to pay for parking and watch when my parking expires.

And no, they don't come in purple. :lol: Pink only.
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I saw a girl with a brown one of these on her car today. I'm going to assume it was her car because there were video game stickers all over it and she was dressed very "hipsterish" 
so what is it exactly? just put on a pink mustache and you're a taxi driver?
It's just like getting a job. They do background screenings, check your driving record, etc. Then there's a 2 week orientation and you get the mustache. Then when there's a passenger, your phone goes off and they pay you through the Lyft app.
Interdasting. Does the mustache come in purple? 

it's pretty big out in SF
to be honest, im not sure how long these companies will last. they dont really do that extensive of a background check. driving around without a commercial license is just asking for trouble.
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SF - All over.

I've also heard that some can make up to $38/hour. Take that with a grain of salt...
^I can see that being possible on friday and saturday nights for a few hours, but no way that's on average. When I did lyft, I was making like $40-50/day giving a few rides for an hour in the morning before going to my regular job and driving for another hour after work, so that's like $20-25/hr. And I'd say the morning/after work demand for rides is pretty high already, but of course on friday/saturday nights, the demand may be higher. There were also times when I've sat in my car and got zero ride requests for an hour and said f it and just went to work. :lol:
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