I know energy drinks are bad for you, but goddamn they work

Within reason they work, it’s easy to acquire a tolerance to caffeine, and taking a break from caffeine once you start is tricky because the headache from the withdrawal sucks.

They mostly are just sugar and caffeine all the other ingredients in them are just window dressings, kind of like ERAS and your experiences that you list.

Just me personally. I do buy the occasional red bull maybe 1-2 a month.
Chick at my old job used to get cases of Monster delivered to the gig. Her office was damn near stacked with them joints and I personally would see her drink 2-3 cans on a typical workday. Idk if she exceeded that but shorty used to be WIRED.
Chick at my old job used to get cases of Monster delivered to the gig. Her office was damn near stacked with them joints and I personally would see her drink 2-3 cans on a typical workday. Idk if she exceeded that but shorty used to be WIRED.

Monster has such an insane amount of sugar that the sugar is gonna likely cause more damage than the caffeine lol. Monster makes solid sugar free options though but who knows what they use in place of sugar.
monster has a weird taste since forever.

red bull got some new flavors that's fire. i drink one a day which is always with a blunt or bowl and before my workout.

Not big on hot coffee but iced coffee is my jam
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