I know im not the only one that always meets a chick and they be trying to hubb you

I think its the foams
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

my worst experience: went to a party once, didn't stay long at all (had other commitments), but as i was leaving i made eye contact with some girl.

next morning, she adds me on FB, i read her status updates saying "i just met the greatest guy ever" and "i'm in love with ross"

i'm like
wth, i didn't even talk to this girl! needless to say, i gtho.

   wow ...
Originally Posted by hieu23

I know what you're talking about bro, I'm only 16 and I'm still in HS and these broads are already talking about dying old together with grandchildren.
man get that out of my face.

You rather this or the Zone?

On the bright side @ lease...you still can be smashing & not hearing about others smashing.
im 26 my gf is 23, and we've dated 2+ years, all she talks about is marriage. And that is the farthest thing from my mind, my two of my close friends are both getting married in October, but its not me yet. I really want another 4-6 yrs to sow my royal oats. word to akeem.
Originally Posted by ToLiveandDieinNJ

im 26 my gf is 23, and we've dated 2+ years, all she talks about is marriage. And that is the farthest thing from my mind, my two of my close friends are both getting married in October, but its not me yet. I really want another 4-6 yrs to sow my royal oats. word to akeem.
to this day i still dont know why people rush into marriage. the alter is not going anywhere
. do what you feel bro.

as far as OP. Do what you been doing, Turn them out and move on. 

Its going to happen like that because most of the time these lames out here would prolly end up wifing because they dont know any better.

I feel you 150000%....I tell chicks from jump I'm not gonna rush into a relationship or that I aint gonna have time for one and they wanna get me to wife them...$%* is weak. I dont wanna be cuffed up just to be cuffed up. It's always some +@** broad too SMH
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

Originally Posted by seventh letter

Well you're spitting the "hubb me" type of game.

lol naw, i dont be gassin these girls heads up, i be like naw im not looking for that right now, or something around that.. 

I aint no simp 
I feel ya on this. These chicks can be pretty relentless nowadays..
bruhh i feel you, i think we be all up in their ears too much. makin em feel tooo special, no simpin tho
Eh, you live and let live.

With that said, I've been meeting nothing but Jump off material, I need a little substance (not a wife), but something steady and a little bit right.
Throwing the box at any slick talking jerk and then trying to wife the good guys, kick rock I say!


I think it's cuz they're used to some lame dudes just taking what it given to them so they try to pull that $*+ on you...i had this broad on deck...i stopped giving her the benefit of the doubt cuz she was just shifty overall....and i told her it's best we're friends...she's MAD I dont want her...mad Twitter subliminals and all this...

I'm like....my girl is gonna be the best I can get and if I cant get that I'm gonna be single and doing me till I meet a solid one....these broads are fiending to be wifed up when they aint wifey material....they see the stuff I'm working on and they want piece of it..

ANYTIME i meet a broad, I look at the situation like 1.) what do they want out of it/what's in it for them and 2.) what do they offer that another chick doesnt
my cousin and i were just talking about this this past weekend

most girls are on the look out for a husband all the time
 this annoys me to no end and adds to why I can't smash every girl that shows me interest. Throwing all these relationship and future plans into the conversation and we haven't even gone on a date. Even sending a simple text sends the wrong signal with some of them "Oh he's thinking of me! Let me now blow his phone up with texts and questions and what have yous!" like she was just sitting on my mind and I HAD to speak. I don't even send the wrong signals I tell from the get go, I'M CHILLING right now and not looking for a relationship, and it gets read as, WIN ME

 There's one now that is constantly daily hitting me up and asking my views on marriage and families and my future and when I want to settle down. She tells me she hasn't had sex in like a year(
) and is being monogamous until marriage. Really? A few cross examination questions later and she's saying she's a straight freak and if I go on this trip with her over the summer we can share the same bed but just don't touch her because she's so sensitive and who knows!!.........
 if i smash that...she's sending engagement notifications to the world the moment her orgasm ends...
I dont understand it....they wanna be independent and show you that they dont need you...but then they WANT you to wife them. It's either or.
There's one now that is constantly daily hitting me upand asking my views on marriage and families and my future and when Iwant to settle down. She tells me she hasn't had sex in like a year(
) and is being monogamous until marriage.

I'll raise you two better...

on my blog, i'd written a post on how I'm a commitmentphobe and how I'm gonna settle down when i settle down...me and the previously mentioned broad hung out and shorty grilled me...I stood by it...shorty hit me with the "I dont wanna have sex with you because if I do, I'm gonna go crazy and i have to worry about school." Meanwhile she wasnt even IN school. I took that as meaning: "I have other d--- on standby but I like you but I dont want you to think I'm easy" so I played it cool and didnt sweat her...shorty was trying to get me to wife her and all this on Vday, so we were gonna make plans to kick it the Friday before Vday. Before I bothered to spend me time, i wanted tp press her...so i asked her if she was single. "Yeah". so I asked her "Are you dealing with or seeing someone else?". she goes "Yeah, but it wasnt going anywhere with him so I didnt bother to tell you.". So i FZed her and totally cut her off. Shorty wonders why I dont wanna deal with her...I'm like I cant even trust you so what's the point?

Another shorty read EVERY post in my blog....so she already know what time it was....shorty was trying to get me to wife her...meanwhile she was talking or w/e to my man./fellow NTer Sorkoram on Twitter..so we'd go back and forth and tell each other what shorty was saying...he'd told me some stuff but I aint take it no way because I wasnt trying to wife and he was in a another state anyway...Shorty tells me she had 10 bodies and an abortion...and how she'd gotten burnt before becuase "her man cheated". Mind you, he was a football player in HS....and she said that was her BF....wifing a athlete in HS is the dumbest +$+ I'd heard of...

+$+ is wicked.
this is why I mess with mainly JOs ..'kuz its all business with them no extra shenanigans

they not looking for anything else but D. no relationships no friendships no dates just D
i hear alotta homeys in hear that be up on that Mack Lessons Radio...


but on the real... does it get better as you get older?

i'm 20 now... dealin w/ a wayward $$@ chick only cuz i dont think i can get any better...

smh @ myself....

i hear as you get older, more bread on deck, more assets... the more breezys flow...

is that really the case?
Some chicks want to be married and have kids before they are 30.

Some of them say it's because they want to me a young/hip mother.

i say it's because they are trying to cash out when they are still attractive. A lot of chicks are not as pretty as they once were, past 25 years old.
i say it's because they are trying to cash out when they are stillattractive. A lot of chicks are not as pretty as they once were, past25 years old.


And as far as it getting better when you get older, i personally think it's related to your personal drive. I really think that it's harder for women to keep their stock up as they get older, but that's just me.

A lotta these chicks are really in love with the idea of being in love and just want to feel accepted....I'd rather not be bothered with that.
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