I slap boxed with Jesus...licked shots at Joseph....

s dubl

Dec 3, 2006
Do kids even slap box anymore?

That's how we got NICE with the hands back in the day. Learning angles and all that.

Any and all "slap box" references in music are fully appreciated. Word to R. Kelly.
feelings get caught during slap boxing...

it can quickly turn into a real boxing match lol
Originally Posted by dgk3188

feelings get caught during slap boxing...

it can quickly turn into a real boxing match lol

Where I stay at 90% of the time it did end up in a real boxing match with the hands. Because it was always one dude who got embarrassed and one cat from theside line to instigate %** and then that's when real hands get thrown. I ain't slapped box with some cat since like elementary or middle school though.
Originally Posted by illphillip

I thought they were SUPPOSED to turn into real boxing matches.


Maybe its different in different era's. I use to slapbox my brother and homeboy's and $%!. $%! was never intended on being a real fight butfeelin's get hurt I suppose and it usually did.
Around my way everybody just went to the body. Basically it was all out except you couldn't hit the face. I slap box with my lil brother \ nephews thoughbecause they cant fight for +$+*
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Around my way everybody just went to the body. Basically it was all out except you couldn't hit the face. I slap box with my lil brother \ nephews though because they cant fight for +$+*

To the body? Like the neck area or some ##%? Man when we slapped box all we did was aim for the head.
I guess if we took the approach you guys did there wouldn't be any slapboxing ending up in fights.
Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Around my way everybody just went to the body. Basically it was all out except you couldn't hit the face. I slap box with my lil brother \ nephews though because they cant fight for +$+*

To the body? Like the neck area or some ##%? Man when we slapped box all we did was aim for the head.
I guess if we took the approach you guys did there wouldn't be any slap boxing ending up in fights.
It was just shots to the body.. The chest area but full strength. Dudes still slipped up and landed face shots though. That's when !%*+got serious and brawls broke out
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