I'm so sick of these A** holes that flag my listing on craigslist! W T F!

Dec 9, 2007
I threw up my beats by dr dre on there and they flagged it, I threw it up there again a couple days later and they were flagged! Also threw my pet parrot up as well and within 30 min it was flagged! Do PEOPLE not have anything better to do than to flag other people's sh* t! Jeeze!

Any of you guys get this issue?
Originally Posted by j4ck

so you're selling your parrot?
I think he was just doing it to see if they'd flag that too.
Sold my bass no problem on Craigslist, might be because of where you are located. (I'm in cincinnati)
Not my parrot, but my grandparents. It's like recently all the stuff I threw up gets flagged!
Happened to me before. I hate that it automatically gets deleted and they don't even give you a reason.
Happened to me before,

Worse part they can't tell you why it got deleted, It's against their rules.
Its like if dudes see it as competition with their ads they'll flag it..I've had it done to me multiple times.
But I learned that if you edit your ad, it will reset the flagging back to zero..so i hope that helps.
only problem i have with craigslist is getting those annoying texts/calls at all times of the day asking if i still have the item listed and then they dont actually buy it.
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