Instagram to allow users to start making short videos June 20 (Thursday).

Hmm. Maybe that should allow status updates. Oh wait, then that'd just be Facebook.
Nah the beauty/purpose of IG is that you rarely have to see just text . . . unless people do that dumb *** **** where they screenshot an iPhone note 
Facebook took too long to react to vine. They should've done this a while ago. Maybe they attempted to purchase vine and got denied. Who knows.
wonder if it'll take out vine though.. i feel when facebook began trying to take out every other social network it went downhill from there. :lol:

they were doing too much

interested in seeing how this will play out.
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Insta is on a downturn already. This **** isn't going to help. The hardcore IG lovers I know hate Vine.
now to follow the "right" people

& this def will get some athletes in trouble...main example jr swish always looks blitzed...these vids wont be his friend off court

edit just looked thru my tl & he already posted a vid & looks blitzed as hell endes it by saying "lit" for no damn reason :lol:
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Has it worked for anyone yet? I got the S3, just updated the app and still got nothing.
I'm not seeing anything about vids on mine either. Note 2. I don't see an ig update available either.
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