*** Is it safe to go to school tomorrow *** Swine flu

Originally Posted by Essential1

Man just get your bedazzled Michael Jackson brand face mask... Wash your hands, carry some hand wash... and keep it moving.. And I am a germ freak when it comes to coughing, sneezing, using the bathroom, getting food and washing hands, people with the swine flu craze are making me look like I dip my hands in dirt, cough on em, use em for TP and then eat something..

People freaking out need to get ahold of themselves...

You wear a mask?
Originally Posted by Man E

Originally Posted by Essential1

Man just get your bedazzled Michael Jackson brand face mask... Wash your hands, carry some hand wash... and keep it moving.. And I am a germ freak when it comes to coughing, sneezing, using the bathroom, getting food and washing hands, people with the swine flu craze are making me look like I dip my hands in dirt, cough on em, use em for TP and then eat something..

People freaking out need to get ahold of themselves...

You wear a mask?

hell f'in no... Your freaking out I gave you a suggestion...
People on campus were freaking out today when the email got around that a kid at St. John's had it
NOOOOOOOOOOO i aint tryna go to school. To make things worse I work at an after school program in Milpitas and a few of my kids have been absent all weekannd one kids cousin goes to school at Branham High and he just happens to be the kid with swine. ew
oo this is in cali justtt fyi
Yea I mean the flu is spreading around a lot. but its not that dangerous of a flu. If you get it just go to the doctor, cop some tamiflu and you'll befine. The only reason people are dying is cause they aint goin to the doc. YOU GOTSA GO TO DA DOC.
This flu is hyped up by the gov't to get people to pay more for health care... Seriously. If you get sick, just go to the doctor. There IS a cure for theswine flu. The people who die from this probably couldn't afford/did not have a good health care. Just wash your hands, be alert of sick people. If you getsick, simply pay a visit to the doctor.
Originally Posted by sheistbugz

Yea I mean the flu is spreading around a lot. but its not that dangerous of a flu. If you get it just go to the doctor, cop some tamiflu and you'll be fine. The only reason people are dying is cause they aint goin to the doc. YOU GOTSA GO TO DA DOC.

The thing is you don't even need to go to the doctors. If you feel the slightest hint of a flu, just start taking care of yourself. If you act fast enoughand try to fight it, it won't get serious enough for you to need to see the doctor.

Or you can go on the safe side and get some tamiflu right when you feel like you have the flu. That should get rid of it.
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