JB giving us what we want?

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We just got the Nubucks,Spacejams, and True Blues
...........Is ThisGoing To Get Better or Just Die Out
it mite seem like we're getting what we want but we really arnt because the quality of these shoes plus the look and shape of them is going to be nothinglike the ones we fell in love with,im one of the biggest fans of the space jams and 12s but the 11s and twelves that were released in the packs were terriblelooking and the quality on them was even worse.so JB really isnt giving us a whole lot imo
i feel they only did this as a year as a follow up with the CDP releasing all last year.

it'll definitely die out.
Originally Posted by bklynengus129

Originally Posted by luvtheshoe

They still picked the wrong time in the economy to sell these.
yea and prices are going up, space jams are $175

What? No way, is there confirmation on this?
$50 price increase is unacceptable!
Originally Posted by BallinB

could go either way, depends on quality and availability
And it just seems like were getting what we want because whens the last time we had a retro sold separately besides the 1s JB is smart theypracticlly got most of us (i say us cause me 2) eating out their hands
willing to pay 175 for some pleather (premium leather) and rubber during a recession all cause 2 shoes sold together and 1 pair of shoes made in toomany colors open your eyes
and see what JB is doing im not saying dontbuy them but just stop gettin so hyped up cause hes playing u to buy shoes for 175 thats costs $50 to make
never thought id see the day in JB history
it takes more than 2-3 good releases for me to consider giving them that much credit
Originally Posted by Antalonboubmpo

Originally Posted by BallinB

could go either way, depends on quality and availability
And it just seems like were getting what we want because whens the last time we had a retro sold separately besides the 1s JB is smart they practiclly got most of us (i say us cause me 2) eating out their hands
willing to pay 175 for some pleather (premium leather) and rubber during a recession all cause 2 shoes sold together and 1 pair of shoes made in too many colors open your eyes
and see what JB is doing im not saying dont buy them but just stop gettin so hyped up cause hes playing u to buy shoes for 175 thats costs $50 to make
never thought id see the day in JB history

they dont cost that much homeboy

I know a pair of forces ranges from 8-12 bucks, so theres no way the XIs could reach 50

In order to get what I want.....this needs to happen:


Availability can stay the same.....make em limited, or GR's, doesn't really matter!
In some ways...

They are doing things that Niketalk has been requesting...like increasing the technology in Team Jordans...Zoom in most shoes...going back to on-courtperformance...2010...WITHOUT taking prices up...in fact, some shoes will have BETTER technology with LOWER retails than similar models over the past couple ofyears...

The Jordan XXV or 2010 or 010...whatever it will be called...the next "Air Jordan" will be lower in price than the Jordan 2009...you can be sure ofthat...

As far as Retro's go...it doesn't matter...really it doesn't...the fact that consumer still want Retro Jordans is enough...they have plenty ofthings that can be dropped here and there to satisfy demand...

Space Jam's are a nice surprise for Holiday '09...White/Red XII's...that's what "we" wanted...right?

You can complain about price, materials, etc...but the reality is...materials, shipping, everything that goes into making a shoe and marketing a brand continueto cost more than they did in 1985, 1995 or even 2005...you are just going to have to deal with:

1. Higher Prices on Retro's than the original prices
2. Materials of slightly lesser quality on some styles in an effort to keep the price down (I know, I know...the number one profession of Niketalkers is"Internet Photo Leathersmith"...everyone is an expert...the quality is MORE than slightly worse on everything...I get it, I get it)

...however, not everything old was great...there were TONS of problem with materials and workmanship with Nike and Jordan shoes in the 90s...however, as we getolder, everything older is better and things were always perfect...right?
There was no overglue on the midsole of AM95s in 1995, the outsole of the OG Penny 1 didn't become seperated on EVERY shoe, the outsole on theAir Max Plus 1 didn't seperate from the midsole at the toe, zippers never broke on Zoom Gloves or FP1s, Shox didn't full out of Shox TR1's (name?),the bottom lace loop didn't snap of on OG Jordan IX's, the lace loops didn't break off on the OG XII's (even though the shoe itself was atank)...how about magnets on FP3's those worked great right, the clear outsoles on the V's, VI's, XI's and Zoom '96s didn't chip offmuch easier than a regular rubber outsole, lace loops on the VII's didn't tear because the material was thin and the lace was too close to the edge ofthe tongue, the teeth on the Jordan XIV didn't come off when someone stepped on your foot while hooping (at one time voted the #1 performance shoeever)...funny how many things you remember just sitting here looking at a few shoe boxes in an office...

A few years back someone posted an OG Jordan 1 with what had to be 1/2 inch thick overglue on the entire midsole...really wish I would have saved thatpicture...materials change is characteristics over time and to compare a Jordan III made in 1988 with a Jordan III Retro made in 2009 is quite the feat...DocBrown...even a Jordan Retro III made in 2001...just isn't the same product as when it came off the cow...

Just remember...THEY ARE SHOES! They are high wear items...compare them to your tires...they are not intended to last a lifetime and they certainly aren'tmade NOT to crease...

Bottom line...feel free to complain...but, do we need 10 Jordan Brand sucks or is dying every day? Does every thread have to turn into that? Jordan Brandisn't going anywhere no matter what you want to believe...they will have misses, but they will always have more hits...

How many consumer products can liquidate NATIONALLY at 50%, 75%, 95% in one day??? iPhones, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3...what else? There is nothing in the athleticfootwear and apparel industry that comes EVEN CLOSE and Jordan Brands does it once a month...

Please correct me where I misstated facts or omitted something...

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