Jimmy Clausen -- Notre Dame QB


Feb 7, 2008
Wasn't this kid called the "super recruit" coming out of high school? He will be going into his Junior season as the Notre Dame quarterback buthe hasn't lived up to his lofty expectations. Is it because Notre Dame is having a few down years as of late or is it just because he can't live up towhat people thought he could be. I haven't watched much Notre Dame football since Quinn and Simardzjia left because they were on national TV all the timethen...

So can someone tell me what's going on Clausen? Does he have any NFL future at all?

Wow nd football str8 fell off a damn cliff after this
Reggie/Leinart/jarret were invincible on this drive
Does he have any NFL future at all?

he gets bashed cause he's the ND QB.

He had a decent to good year last year and really will take off this year.

ANYONE thrown in his spot in 07 would have failed. 08 was a little better as talent around him got better, it'll be the same thing this year.

Is he a bum because he's never had an o line and running game?
hes gonna beast next year with Tate and Floyd and improved O line .....by the end of his career hell put up some rediculous numbers and will get drafted in the1st round
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Does he have any NFL future at all?

he gets bashed cause he's the ND QB.

He had a decent to good year last year and really will take off this year.

ANYONE thrown in his spot in 07 would have failed. 08 was a little better as talent around him got better, it'll be the same thing this year.

Is he a bum because he's never had an o line and running game?

He definitely improved as the O-line did and he definitely has a quiet savy about him. But i just have not seen the physical talent to really be anythingspecial in the NFL yet. Have you? I just have questions about his arm.
he definitely has the talent around him to put up numbers.

so if he bombs this season, no excuses there.
But i just have not seen the physical talent to really be anything special in the NFL yet. Have you?

not really. But people say his arm and shoulder are finally 100%. I haven't seen him make ALL the throws yet, maybe this year he phyiscallytakes a step forward as he's put on some weight and has said he feels more comfortable in the pocket. He does throw a nice deep ball. His decision makingstill needs improvement and he's horrible throwing the ball when he's flushed out.... but there really isn't much difference in he and Bradythrough their first 2 years...Brady made a HUGE jump in year 3, we'll see what Jimmy does.

Basically, if we're saying he hasn't lived up to or ever will his mega recruit status, I would agree.

But he's on pace to do very good these last 2 years and have a chance to be a first round pick.
He was thrown in a terrible spot starting as a freshman for a ND team vapid of talent...he will have a break out year this year IMO and he will be a 2nd roundpick at worst
Thats one of the funniest repsonses I have seen in my life.

Word is their OL is garbage again this year. Not gonna help him. I think he could be good but he already thinks he is all universe. Chances are he becomes RonPowlus JR
He's going to beast this year, he's gonna have 30+ touchdowns this year and his interceptions will go down. I've supported the kid from day one andhave wathed him get hated on and criticized since day one. Expect big things from this offense this year, the o-line looks like it's finally improving,armando Allen looks the fastest that's he's looked since getting on campus, and jimmy has plenty of people to throw it to with Tate, floyd, kumara, andRudolph.
I hate using the term "douche bag" but for lack of a better characterization......he seems to fit the mold of one to a T.
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