KG going in on KD & the refs lol

Feb 29, 2000
"I thought we was playing michael %%#!%+% jordan tonight"

its true though. Durant gets those phantom calls that dwade use to get...

I aint posting the video tho cuz i aint getting banned
That's why nobody $+#$* with KG anymore. Bitter old man...SMH. Move over and let the young dudes shine.
Kevin Durant is that dude, but Jeff Green won that game for the Thunder.
son is straight Hatin. Like Pierce and his flopping assistant Rondo don't get phantom calls regularly.
NBA is shady anyway.
He was going at the refs not kd

And kd gets dwade type of calls? Lol ya right son
People just love to hate KG...better appreciate him these next few years, you'll miss him.
I didn't think KD got that many bad calls last night. There was one that was absolutely terrible though. In the last 3 minutes KD went up for a jumper near the free throw line and Pierce stripped the ball. The Celtics would've had a fast break the other way, but the refs put Durant at the line. The replay showed the steal couldn't have been any cleaner.

But I don't think Durant got any more calls than any other superstar would've gotten. The problem was they were letting Sefolosha play extremely physical defense and they weren't letting the Celtics do the same.
Originally Posted by JD617

I didn't think KD got that many bad calls last night. There was one that was absolutely terrible though. In the last 3 minutes KD went up for a jumper near the free throw line and Pierce stripped the ball. The Celtics would've had a fast break the other way, but the refs put Durant at the line. The replay showed the steal couldn't have been any cleaner.

But I don't think Durant got any more calls than any other superstar would've gotten. The problem was they were letting Sefolosha play extremely physical defense and they weren't letting the Celtics do the same.
There was another one where they called Ray Allen for breathing on him 30 feet from the basket, Daniels got a clean strip on him, and they gave him 3 ft's on a play where he wasn't even shooting. Usually calls even out over a game, but it wasn't the case here.

Main issue I had in this game was the undeserved ft's because Pierce got fouled on a fast break basically and they called it on the floor and we got no shots. Didn't seem like the same crew on both sides of the court. Don't even have the Tommy Heinsohn influence because I was saying what he did right before he said it.
Originally Posted by NikeKid6

as a celtic fan.......

im tired of KG

Yea, I'm tired of his act, too. Caring about the games, still being an elite defender on an elite defensive team, fighting through an injury, cheering on his younger teammates in garbage time, and being the emotional leader of the team.

Much rather have someone like Vince Carter or Andray Blatche.
Durant is already one of the smartest players in the league. He learned how to draw fouls it takes most guys years to master. Just wait until he starts getting superstar calls. 12-14 free throw attempts per game is not out of the question. If he's getting a guaranteed 10-12 points a night at the line, he's going to average 33-35 points a game.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by NikeKid6

as a celtic fan.......

im tired of KG

Yea, I'm tired of his act, too. Caring about the games, still being an elite defender on an elite defensive team, fighting through an injury, cheering on his younger teammates in garbage time, and being the emotional leader of the team.

Much rather have someone like Vince Carter or Andray Blatche.


That's unfortunate you two give me those little faces, but I'm sure 99% out there recognize he's a unique talent...


KG was full of salt last night.

Started it off with backhanded compliments to Jeff Green.

Later on went on to say how he didn't have the help as a young player the way KD currently does.
I def. wont miss his cry and complaining, although i do miss the timberwolves KG.
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