Late nite question about money (math and common sense) dudes enter

Jun 19, 2002
heres a problem for some of you who may be bored tonight.

Situation : A House is for rent for $1500.00 per month. 4 people are going to rent it. Everything in the house is considered common area except eachbedroom. and bathroom (there are two bathrooms

living arrangement is as follows.

person 1 and 2 - share a 10x12 room (120 sq ft) that has a 5x10 (50 sq feet) bathroom w shower, toilet and sink (total 170 sq ft)

person 3 and 4 share a 5X10 (50 sq feet) bathroom with shower, sink and toilet. This bathroom is not linked to either person 3 or 4's room directly

person 3 - has a 10x12 room (120 sq ft) + (25 sq ft for the shared bathroom) = 145 sq ft

person 4 has a 10x10 (100 sq ft) room + (25 sq ft for the shared bathroom) = 125 sq ft

Now how much should each person pay of the $1500.00 so that is economically fair?
count up total sq ft.

diviide by 1500

then mutiply each persons sq ft usage by cost per sq ft.
Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

Paypal me $10 and i'll do your homework for you son.

i dont think u understand so ill spell it out.

This is a real situation and im tryin to get peoples different opinions about who should pay what and how they arrived at certain figures. Hasnothing to do with homework, son. You can take that jive elsewhere.

Im tryin to see if there are people who acctually think that each person should pay $375.00
The above are basically correct, but what you also have to consider (and can't put a dollar amount on) is how much is privacy worth to a person? HonestlyI'd pay a lot more to be able to have my girl over and do what I want when I want and then use the common area for movies and Xbox.

Also is walking to a connected bathroom worth paying more for? In one of the rental houses my family owns the second bathroom with a shower is clear across thehouse. I'd be willing to pay not to have t make that cold walk across the house to change clothes.

Using the numbers above I'd suggest a break down of:
Person 1 and 2: 300.00
Person 3: 475.00
Person 4: 425.00
Originally Posted by IdealApotheosis

The above are basically correct, but what you also have to consider (and can't put a dollar amount on) is how much is privacy worth to a person? Honestly I'd pay a lot more to be able to have my girl over and do what I want when I want and then use the common area for movies and Xbox.

Also is walking to a connected bathroom worth paying more for? In one of the rental houses my family owns the second bathroom with a shower is clear across the house. I'd be willing to pay not to have t make that cold walk across the house to change clothes.

Using the numbers above I'd suggest a break down of:
Person 1 and 2: 300.00
Person 3: 475.00
Person 4: 425.00

I pretty much agree with this...more or less.
If it's your friends I say go with 325 for the shared rooms, 425 for the individual rooms. If you all aren't really friends or don't know eachother go with the more precise figures according to sq. footage.
count up total sq ft.

diviide by 1500

take 1500 and divide by total sq feet.

then mutiply each persons sq ft usage by cost per sq ft.
agree with this... but then you have to calculate what is really someone's usage

for person's 1 and 2...I'd say their sq ft usage is 85 sq ft (170/2)
for person 3 & 4... Since the bathroom is not attached to either of their bedrooms, I would consider that bathroom half common area/half their own (25 sqft / 2 = 12.5)..thus their sq ft usage is 132.5 & 112.5, respectively.

so works out to:
415 total sq/ft (85 + 85 + 132.5 + 112.5)
$1500/415 sq ft = $3.614 per sq ft
so mathematically you have:

1. 85 x 3.614 = $307.00
2. 85 x 3.614 = $307.00
3. 132.5 x 3.614 = $479.00
4. 112.5 x 3.614 = $407.00

that would be my breakdown

Person 1 and 2: 300.00
Person 3: 475.00
Person 4: 425.00
this only yields $1200

one more thing.... whatever you do with the #'s it so that it's based on mathematics...regardless of whether you guys are friends ornot...going by math... you take any personal feelings out of the equation.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

count up total sq ft.

diviide by 1500

take 1500 and divide by total sq feet.

then mutiply each persons sq ft usage by cost per sq ft.
agree with this... but then you have to calculate what is really someone's usage

for person's 1 and 2...I'd say their sq ft usage is 85 sq ft (170/2)
for person 3 & 4... Since the bathroom is not attached to either of their bedrooms, I would consider that bathroom half common area/half their own (25 sq ft / 2 = 12.5)..thus their sq ft usage is 132.5 & 112.5, respectively.

so works out to:
415 total sq/ft (85 + 85 + 132.5 + 112.5)
$1500/415 sq ft = $3.614 per sq ft
so mathematically you have:

1. 85 x 3.614 = $307.00
2. 85 x 3.614 = $307.00
3. 132.5 x 3.614 = $479.00
4. 112.5 x 3.614 = $407.00

that would be my breakdown

Person 1 and 2: 300.00
Person 3: 475.00
Person 4: 425.00
this only yields $1200

one more thing.... whatever you do with the #'s it so that it's based on mathematics...regardless of whether you guys are friends or not...going by math... you take any personal feelings out of the equation.

i believe it should always go by math. the friends discount thing just gets some people pissed off if they arent getting hooked up as much as the nextdude
person 3 - $450 ( biggest room and one of the bigger bathrooms)
person 1 - $400 ( second biggest room with one of the bigger bathrooms)
person 2 - $350 ( third biggest room with one of the smaller bathrooms)
person 4 - $300 ( smallest room with the the remaining smaller bathroom)
Originally Posted by C Dub606

I can already tell that friendships will be lost here...

you prolly right. i'd just split it evenly, but some ppldon't like going for that. i had a 3 bedroom apt. this year, split that evenly though all the rooms were pretty far off in size. seems like the best way.
in any roomate situation ive ever been in, we just split it up per room

in your case, each room is 500, possiby adding 50 to 100 on to the room with its own bathroom and splitting the difference between the other two bedrooms.

either 250 each for the shared room and 500 for the single rooms or 275/300 each for shared room and 475/450 each for the single rooms.
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