Late twenties to thirty year old NTers vol. words of wisdom

Jul 11, 2011
NTers late twenties to the thirties. What advice would you give us early twenty to mid twenties. I just turned 24 thinking about going back to school but wondering if it's too late.
If it'll benefit you career-wise then I don't know why you're even asking this question.

You said you're a 24 yr old. Think like one.
Originally Posted by Iamchris

NTers late twenties to the thirties. What advice would you give us early twenty to mid twenties. I just turned 24 thinking about going back to school but wondering if it's too late.

Do it. I just started my first year of college and love it.Girls, new people, learning.
I went back at 23 and also had to take an extra year of math

Think of it as I'd rather face small pain now than huge pain later
It's never too late! I am 30 and a junior majoring in Accounting. I work full-time as a staff accountant and in school full-time. When I graduate, I will have a total of 11 years experience in my field. I feel that I understand the lectures more about my major because I've done the practice and applications.
Never too late. I'm 28 and about to get my masters. I worked for a few years after college, and the experience is paying off. And there's always people in there 30s and 40s in class...

With that said, I told myself I didn't wanna be go back after 30, so I'm glad I went back when i did.
ALWAYS learn.
If you got a girl you can trust, gives you that good love, and takes care of you....just makes you happy....leave all others alone. The game has changed don't lose the good thing.
Do you really need 2 pair?
All they really want is to feed off your success. (This can apply to all that don't help you grow and just seem to leech, family is the worst)
Just love!!!
Are we going to make threads for every age group to advise the one under them? Can't wait to see the 45 year olds advising 30s!
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