Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

I'm sure Silver spoke to the players ahead of time. That's why they felt no real reason to seriously protest
This is what kills me not only did they not protest the game (The Warriors, Thunder, & Wizards were all prepared to sit out their games) The ****** players said NOTHING, NOTHING at all they elected Doc to be the voice of the team.

doc then goes on to invite the wife of this racist bastard to the game with the audacity to say "she's been through so much".

You mean to tell me blake Or CP couldn't come out and say this will not be tolerated by the players, i am not gonna sit here and be a slave for someone who hates me?

Just a actual emotional comment would have been something. Instead we get politically correct answers from the coach and the NBA gets a sweet stroy to go back to business & look as if this problem was solved, knowing damn well is isn't
Assuming they did strike, what would you want to happen besides the outcome they already achieved?
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There was absolutely no need for the players to strike. But let's say they did. Then what? What did you hope this would lead to?

A National realization and focus on the problem at hand! a statement saying everything isn't about Money WE WANT OUR DIGNITY

Not to mention that the entire NBA playoffs would have been stopped AKA messing up the owners money AKA There would be no "trying to persuade" Sterling to sell the team, the NBA would have demanded that him and anyone involved with his regime had to go.

A chance for the players to show that they are really the ones in control, and for the first time in who knows how long ANYONE in America simply making a true stand and demanding pure results, instead of holding off for a few days and "hoping" something gets done.

The issue of race, classism, segregation of the poor & rich, the view of successful blacks were all topics that would be challenged and analyzed had the players sat out and disrupted the playoffs.

Instaed you have people cheering that Sterling is gone meanwhile his Wife is front row at the game, his children are still in positions with the team, and all of his regime is still in the same positions, He's gonna continue to profit off of every Playoff game & piece of merchandise sold & yet this is suppose to be some monumental change?

He Told the world he hates black people, took a small media hit, And will be profiting off of said black players that he hates..... and yet no player on that team felt it was even worth a response? In most cases i understand why an athlete holds their tongue's & don't involve themselves in things like this.

But with the stage set, the rest of the league backing you, the fans backing you, a Media blast for the NBA if they tried to disrupt this protest and your answer is to go out and play ball when NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

the only thing that has really changed since Silver has made the announcement is that Sterling can't show at games & you have a promise of an "intent" to make sterling sell the team.

Never was Sterling losing a few mill gonna hurt him... hell i don't care if he personally gets hurt.... but that mindset of him & his "culture" would be distraught to know that those southern black boys he hates so much.... not only have power but when standing together they HOLD ALL THE POWER

The chance for someone in america to finally say.... yes you may have a ownership title.. but we the people control things here, the owners serve us

But Adam Silver probably called them told them Sterling was done and sadly people feel like that's enough let's get back to "business".
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:lol:  Relax man, its okay.  The pic is apples vs oranges... Made by someone who wanted their stupid picture to go viral.

**** like that shouldn't get traction so I'll stop furthering said traction by talking about it at all.:nthat:

It's not apples vs oranges though. Like the vid posted some pages back of the reporter giving a history of discrimination in sports and what the players did. Back in the day they refused to play until their demands were met. Today they turn their shirts inside out for 15 minutes.

Nt will not and probably never understand since most of NT is younger. I've been saying this since this weekend. Most people on NT do not really understand american history (via personal research). Which is why this is being swept under the rug. Sorry man. We lost this one. I doubt a chance like this will happen again because the power that be will smarten up. As they did throughout history.

There was absolutely no need for the players to strike. But let's say they did. Then what? What did you hope this would lead to?

This should answer your question. This is what I posted earlier in this thread.

Okay, You stated the Civil Rights movement. I will tell you when they took a stand and make change no matter what L they took.

Rosa Parks is a prime example. She got arrested for where she was sitting on the bus. So you know what black people organized and did. They stop using the bus. A lot of black people at that time took the bus to go to work but they took that L and stood there ground on the event that took place. That's what I want to players to do. That's the big picture.

This is what I've been saying but no one want to hear it. No one understands symbolism and how much it's needed to unite people. This is why the conclusion has also been the same. People are scare and using everything to divert the problem. Championship/playoffs/not the player problem/the fan should not come/ championship is what they wanted from childhood, it's all deflection.

I saw this as a perfect time for black player to stand up, band together and get things popping. To display to the younger generation that this is how things are done as a community.

I guess I dream too big.

What the commissioner did IMO is a handout to shut everyone up. Which has been done thoughout history (if you know your history). Black people were the most affected by what he said yet had no hand in dealing with the issues outcome. If all the players staged a walkout. The commissioner would have asked the players to come back. That would have been very symbolic. Then again, Just a dream of mine.
There was absolutely no need for the players to strike. But let's say they did. Then what? What did you hope this would lead to?

A National realization and focus on the problem at hand! a statement saying everything isn't about Money WE WANT OUR DIGNITY

Not to mention that the entire NBA playoffs would have been stopped AKA messing up the owners money AKA There would be no "trying to persuade" Sterling to sell the team, the NBA would have demanded that him and anyone involved with his regime had to go.

A chance for the players to show that they are really the ones in control, and for the first time in who knows how long ANYONE in America simply making a true stand and demanding pure results, instead of holding off for a few days and "hoping" something gets done.

The issue of race, classism, segregation of the poor & rich, the view of successful blacks were all topics that would be challenged and analyzed had the players sat out and disrupted the playoffs.

Instaed you have people cheering that Sterling is gone meanwhile his Wife is front row at the game, his children are still in positions with the team, and all of his regime is still in the same positions, yet this is suppose to be some monumental change?.

A National realization and focus on the problem at hand! a statement saying everything isn't about Money WE WANT OUR DIGNITY

Not to mention that the entire NBA playoffs would have been stopped AKA messing up the owners money AKA There would be no "trying to persuade" Sterling to sell the team, the NBA would have demanded that him and anyone involved with his regime had to go.

A chance for the players to show that they are really the ones in control, and for the first time in who knows how long ANYONE in America simply making a true stand and demanding pure results, instead of holding off for a few days and "hoping" something gets done.

The issue of race, classism, segregation of the poor & rich, the view of successful blacks were all topics that would be challenged and analyzed had the players sat out and disrupted the playoffs.

Instaed you have people cheering that Sterling is gone meanwhile his Wife is front row at the game, his children are still in positions with the team, and all of his regime is still in the same positions, He's gonna continue to profit off of every Playoff game & piece of merchandise sold & yet this is suppose to be some monumental change?

He Told the world he hates black people, took a small media hit, And will be profiting off of said black players that he hates..... and yet no player on that team felt it was even worth a response? In most cases i understand why an athlete holds their tongue's & don't involve themselves in things like this.

But with the stage set, the rest of the league backing you, the fans backing you, a Media blast for the NBA if they tried to disrupt this protest and your answer is to go out and play ball when NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

the only thing that has really changed since Silver has made the announcement is that Sterling can't show at games & you have a promise of an "intent" to make sterling sell the team.

You're putting up too much hope in multi-millionaire Athletes. These are the same athletes that were Spoonfed the second people realized they're going to make the L. The same ones that have people take the SAT's for them, take exams for them in college, or given bs classes to take. Sure there are a alot of smart ones, but there are a lot more DUMB ones.

Do you really think most of these Athletes care about any political situation? If they did, they would voice their opinions of injustices in this country. I.e. cleaning up Chi-Raq with government and private aid. Have any of them done so? Probably, but not enough for the whole country/world to see.
You're putting up too much hope in multi-millionaire Athletes. These are the same athletes that were Spoonfed the second people realized they're going to make the L. The same ones that have people take the SAT's for them, take exams for them in college, or given bs classes to take. Sure there are a alot of smart ones, but there are a lot more DUMB ones.

Do you really think most of these Athletes care about any political situation? If they did, they would voice their opinions of injustices in this country. I.e. cleaning up Chi-Raq with government and private aid. Have any of them done so? Probably, but not enough for the whole country/world to see.

You're putting up too much hope in multi-millionaire Athletes. These are the same athletes that were Spoonfed the second people realized they're going to make the L. The same ones that have people take the SAT's for them, take exams for them in college, or given bs classes to take. Sure there are a alot of smart ones, but there are a lot more DUMB ones.

Do you really think most of these Athletes care about any political situation? If they did, they would voice their opinions of injustices in this country. I.e. cleaning up Chi-Raq with government and private aid. Have any of them done so? Probably, but not enough for the whole country/world to see.

No i'm not putting to much hope in athletes i'm asking for them to help spread hope in humans... We could say what we want about athletes and their "privileges" that's ******** and more of the same division that throws things off. They had the chance to symbolize that unity on one issue can FORCE change, athlete's aren't the only ones who have problems speaking up, we as AMERICANS do (ALL RACES).

The way the US Government works is the same way these Owners in the NBA work, and instead of stepping to the owners and screaming that they don't like the issue, they sat and hoped something would be done without wanting the "inconveniences" of saying something.

They are no different than us when The government lies about spending, When the media clearly tells a fictional or fabricated story, when our boss insist on adding some foolish rule.... In short they represented all of America standing for something and they did what a huge percentage of Americans are "comfortable" with.
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Oprah is interested in buying too :wow:
if Oprah and Magic owned the Clippers together :wow: :pimp:
but no way in hell Sterling would sell to them
You're putting up too much hope in multi-millionaire Athletes. These are the same athletes that were Spoonfed the second people realized they're going to make the L. The same ones that have people take the SAT's for them, take exams for them in college, or given bs classes to take. Sure there are a alot of smart ones, but there are a lot more DUMB ones.

Do you really think most of these Athletes care about any political situation? If they did, they would voice their opinions of injustices in this country. I.e. cleaning up Chi-Raq with government and private aid. Have any of them done so? Probably, but not enough for the whole country/world to see.


Sometimes I wish I could sit some of you guys down and just talk to you and (nicely) force you guys to understand. You're just not getting it.
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You're putting up too much hope in multi-millionaire Athletes. These are the same athletes that were Spoonfed the second people realized they're going to make the L. The same ones that have people take the SAT's for them, take exams for them in college, or given bs classes to take. Sure there are a alot of smart ones, but there are a lot more DUMB ones.

Do you really think most of these Athletes care about any political situation? If they did, they would voice their opinions of injustices in this country. I.e. cleaning up Chi-Raq with government and private aid. Have any of them done so? Probably, but not enough for the whole country/world to see.

I have a question about all of this though..

How can they force Sterling to sell the Clippers.. and if he is forced to sell the Clippers - he is the 1 who gets to set the price, is that not the case?

So he can price it at an absurd price tag such as idk 10 billion, no one will buy it.

IMO he is in a position of power because he can milk it for as much money as he wants really and he doesn't need the money anyways.
Sometimes I wish I could sit some of you guys down and just talk to you and (nicely) force you guys to understand. You're just not getting it.

You don't need to force me to understand anything. Just because I don't agree with everything you're saying does not mean I don't get it.

And I'll say this again, what if the players boycotted on Sunday and it was determined that Sterling's voice/words were altered?? Then what? How does that make them look? How would they have handled the ramifications and backlash from not only the NBA, but our country as a whole?
No i'm not putting to much hope in athletes i'm asking for them to help spread hope in humans... We could say what we want about athletes and their "privileges" that's ******** and more of the same division that throws things off. They had the chance to symbolize that unity on one issue can FORCE change, athlete's aren't the only ones who have problems speaking up, we as AMERICANS do (ALL RACES).

The way the US Government works is the same way these Owners in the NBA work, and instead of stepping to the owners and screaming that they don't like the issue, they sat and hoped something would be done without wanting the "inconveniences" of saying something.

They are no different than us when The government lies about spending, When the media clearly tells a fictional or fabricated story, when our boss insist on adding some foolish rule.... In short they represented all of America standing for something and they did what a huge percentage of Americans are "comfortable" with.

I mean that you have "hope" in that they'll take charge and do anything at all. Do you think they have the mental capacity to care about politics? These are guys who spent most of the lives shooting a ball into a hoop, running around the track, or lifting weights in a gym. They did not spend much of their life in the libraries or classrooms reading books about history (such as the Civil Rights Movement), psychology of why someone is a racist and how to counteract that or sociology of why the world is what it is.

p.s. They already showed time and time again that they can unite together on one issue to force change, its called Player's strikes. But the changes they wanted to make involved lining their pockets and looking out for their own well-being as professional athletes.
Oprah is interested in buying too

if Oprah and Magic owned the Clippers together

but no way in hell Sterling would sell to them
I dont see why he would sell it anyway. He bought it for 16 million

team is worth 500 million now, Profit
You don't need to force me to understand anything. Just because I don't agree with everything you're saying does not mean I don't get it.

And I'll say this again, what if the players boycotted on Sunday and it was determined that Sterling's voice/words were altered?? Then what? How does that make them look? How would they have handled the ramifications and backlash from not only the NBA, but our country as a whole?
But it wasnt altered. Dude had a history of this and NBA got fed up

Soit takes 3/4 owners to sell the team. How is sterling the owner if they have other owners? Is he the main owner or the one who put up the most money?
I mean that you have "hope" in that they'll take charge and do anything at all. Do you think they have the mental capacity to care about politics? These are guys who spent most of the lives shooting a ball into a hoop, running around the track, or lifting weights in a gym. They did not spend much of their life in the libraries or classrooms reading books about history (such as the Civil Rights Movement), psychology of why someone is a racist and how to counteract that or sociology of why the world is what it is.

p.s. They already showed time and time again that they can unite together on one issue to force change, its called Player's strikes. But the changes they wanted to make involved lining their pockets and looking out for their own well-being as professional athletes.

Once again you are lumping athletes into a group and creating a division between them and everyday people. Their only real division comes in the form that they're individual actions can reach millions and due to their celebrity can spread the imagery faster than ever.

With that said i haven't spent my life doing psychology or studying civil rights, just like them and any other humans, i had work, friends, hobbies etc etc to attend too. It shouldn't take them past the spending of those first checks to know how those in "control" of the world view them.

The point i'm trying to make is that we should all be mad not only because the Players didn't use this advantage to take a stand, but because it is common practice for Nobody in America to take a stand. Their is no division between us & them and that's why i'm so disappointed, This was the perfect opportunity for the american public to have a first hand view of opposition towards negative thinking and actions, & instead it's going to be counted as an Issue between Billionaire owners & millionaire players & that is a shame.
Sometimes I wish I could sit some of you guys down and just talk to you and (nicely) force you guys to understand. You're just not getting it.

You don't need to force me to understand anything. Just because I don't agree with everything you're saying does not mean I don't get it.

And I'll say this again, what if the players boycotted on Sunday and it was determined that Sterling's voice/words were altered?? Then what? How does that make them look? How would they have handled the ramifications and backlash from not only the NBA, but our country as a whole?

I'm looking at this situation with the knowlegde of historical that proceeded it. All the people that see things the way I see them have that same knowledge. What I want you to learn is the history so you will understand where I'm coming from. You're probably looking at this situation as just any ol' situation. If I were to teach you about black history from 1619 (I bet you'll have to google why I used that year) until now you'll change your stance on this current situation. I don't disagree what with you're saying. It's just that you fail to see the bigger picture and what this situation could have done for us as black people.

Let me answer the rest of your questions. When you go through a struggle there will be backlash, people will looking at you funny, and ramifications. That's why it's called a struggle. This happened during the civil right movement. I bet if you went through any bad situation and you're trying to overcome it you would not care about the ramifications none of that would matter because you would see your actions to your bad situation aka "the struggle" as a means to an end. This situation could have been that stuggle and I was willing to bet that black people we would have supported the players and joined.
Sometimes I wish I could sit some of you guys down and just talk to you and (nicely) force you guys to understand. You're just not getting it.

You don't need to force me to understand anything. Just because I don't agree with everything you're saying does not mean I don't get it.

And I'll say this again, what if the players boycotted on Sunday and it was determined that Sterling's voice/words were altered?? Then what? How does that make them look? How would they have handled the ramifications and backlash from not only the NBA, but our country as a whole?

I'm looking at this situation with the knowlegde of historical that proceeded it. All the people that see things the way I see them have that same knowledge. What I want you to learn is the history so you will understand where I'm coming from. You're probably looking at this situation as just any ol' situation. If I were to teach you about black history from 1619 (I bet you'll have to google why I used that year) until now you'll change your stance on this current situation. I don't disagree what with you're saying. It's just that you fail to see the bigger picture and what this situation could have done for us as black people.

Let me answer the rest of your questions. When you go through a struggle there will be backlash, people will looking at you funny, and ramifications. That's why it's called a struggle. This happened during the civil right movement. I bet if you went through any bad situation and you're trying to overcome it you would not care about the ramifications none of that would matter because you would see your actions to your bad situation aka "the struggle" as a means to an end. This situation could have been that stuggle and I was willing to bet that black people we would have supported the players and joined.

Again, I do not need you to sit me down and explain anything to me as far as African American history goes. If I need an AA history lesson, I can go back to my old college books since that was my minor.

Like I said before, I agree with a lot of your points, but some are extreme. Simple as that.
Once again you are lumping athletes into a group and creating a division between them and everyday people. Their only real division comes in the form that they're individual actions can reach millions and due to their celebrity can spread the imagery faster than ever.

With that said i haven't spent my life doing psychology or studying civil rights, just like them and any other humans, i had work, friends, hobbies etc etc to attend too. It shouldn't take them past the spending of those first checks to know how those in "control" of the world view them.

The point i'm trying to make is that we should all be mad not only because the Players didn't use this advantage to take a stand, but because it is common practice for Nobody in America to take a stand. Their is no division between us & them and that's why i'm so disappointed, This was the perfect opportunity for the american public to have a first hand view of opposition towards negative thinking and actions, & instead it's going to be counted as an Issue between Billionaire owners & millionaire players & that is a shame.

I do 100% agree with you that it was disappointing to not see the players take a stand. At the very least, the Clippers and the Warriors sit out the playoffs until this chump is ousted from the NBA.

Their celebrity power is enough to reach millions, to let them become aware of this or that. But I don't EXPECT Athletes or Celebrities to do so. Why? because they had multiple opportunities, in the past and present, yet they do nothing about it:


- refuse to wear Nike's until they clean up their use of child labor
- inform the rest of the country of the lack of govnt aid in the inner city, so places like Chi-Raq continue to be the way they are
- use of govnt spending in unnecessary wars instead of cleaning up its own country
- etc

pick one. They haven't really united as one on anything, other than making more money for themselves

There's a little something going on currently in the world of soccer. Where black players always receive monkey chants and have banana's thrown at them wherever they go (including their own Home stadiums!) But most recently, Dani Alves (Brazilian player who plays for Barcalona) had a banana thrown at him right before he took a corner kick, he picks up the banana, eats it, and diddybopped his way onto the corner. Now alot of players of every color from every team are putting up instagram pics of themselves eating bananas, saying "we're all monkeys, we are all the same, Say no to racism".
I do 100% agree with you that it was disappointing to not see the players take a stand. At the very least, the Clippers and the Warriors sit out the playoffs until this chump is ousted from the NBA.

Their celebrity power is enough to reach millions, to let them become aware of this or that. But I don't EXPECT Athletes or Celebrities to do so. Why? because they had multiple opportunities, in the past and present, yet they do nothing about it:


- refuse to wear Nike's until they clean up their use of child labor
- inform the rest of the country of the lack of govnt aid in the inner city, so places like Chi-Raq continue to be the way they are
- use of govnt spending in unnecessary wars instead of cleaning up its own country
- etc

pick one. They haven't really united as one on anything, other than making more money for themselves

There's a little something going on currently in the world of soccer. Where black players always receive monkey chants and have banana's thrown at them wherever they go (including their own Home stadiums!) But most recently, Dani Alves (Brazilian player who plays for Barcalona) had a banana thrown at him right before he took a corner kick, he picks up the banana, eats it, and diddybopped his way onto the corner. Now alot of players of every color from every team are putting up instagram pics of themselves eating bananas, saying "we're all monkeys, we are all the same, Say no to racism".

I Agree on that part absolutely... However the difference between those subjects and the one there actually facing is that for the first time this DIRECTLY effects them. It was the first time where the media & fans couldn't say your rich, stop acting as if you care and dismiss it.

It is one of the few subjects where i believe they would have had almost full support for protesting and had protection in the public eye from negative backlash & Still they decided not to take action... Athletes def shy away from those subjects because it can cause public backlash loss of endorsements etc etc (By no means should they get a pass for this but i recognize why they do it)

What was so special about this instance was how clear as day the racism was, & how appalled the media "acted" towards the issue. It They could have stood for themselves with no fear of corporate bans and pressure... Yet they still were too soft to stand up
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