Lebron has an agreement with Savannah of 25M for her to keep quiet

cue motorboat gif
I've always thought about doing this, if i had dough and i broke up with my babymoms, just come to an agreement where we stay outta court. !$%% mediatakeout's angle.
I've always thought about doing this, if i had dough and i broke up with my babymoms, just come to an agreement where we stay outta court. !$%% mediatakeout's angle.
I've always thought about doing this, if i had dough and i broke up with my babymoms, just come to an agreement where we stay outta court. +$*% mediatakeout's angle.
I've always thought about doing this, if i had dough and i broke up with my babymoms, just come to an agreement where we stay outta court. +$*% mediatakeout's angle.
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