Legit Check KD V All Star Area 72

May 25, 2013
Just need a bit of help here figuring out if I've been scammed.If you notice the "windows" on the side of the sneaker they aren't as straight as other KD's. There is also a slight difference in the size of sole.  Appreciate the help.
Yeah what worries me is how the edges or the "window vent thing" isnt smooth and the right shoe doesn't match the left shoe. You will also notice the gap of space between the end of the window and the sole. I've pointed both out. These are my first pair of KD's so don't know if they are meant to be like this. I bought them from Kicks Crew and I've been told they are reliable, but when I got the shipment they were double boxed but it still looked like a dog got into the Nike box. 
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