Leonel Messi...Most Complete Team Sport Athlete in the World

Jun 14, 2007
Perfect combination of speed, strength, agility, balance, intelligence, skill, and vision. He is always playing against amateurs it seems even in the champions league.I believe he is also the most dominating player in the world and in any sport .

Son is only 24.. greatly appreciated�
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Son is only 24.

The scariest thing about the man
Dude has another solid 7-8 years at this level he's on if he stays healthy and fit.
The fact that he plays for Barca hurts his case. If a NBA team had like 6 legit all stars on the squad, would the best player have a chance at MVP? 
It's spelled "Lionel." And yeah, he has a legitimate claim as the world's greatest sportsman. The combination of agility + balance is exceptional, and his ball control up there with anyone in history. Infinitely appreciated.

^Your logic is flawed. The best player is the best player regardless of who he plays with. The 'MVP' is an arbitrary award, and has nothing to do with anything.
He will pick up more steam with Albiceleste in the summer games and WC '14. As long as he keeps doing his thing in International play, he'll get the recognition he deserves by the masses, outside of awarded accolades.
Yeah, kind of disappointing that you didn't get his name right haha.

But great thread, he is very appreciated
If we are talking pure athleticism then I think LeBron would have an argument. But skill wise nobody is seeing my man Messi. Dude is filthy
Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

Originally Posted by MonStar1


I think Lebron and Manny Pac are in the vicinity
No. Pac doesn't compete in a team sport and he's not even universally considered the best at his craft. 
at Lebron. Lebron is the single greatest physical specimen I've ever seen, damn skilled too, but everything he lacks psychologically and competitively Messi exudes every single time he steps on the field. 

I wasn't old enough to comprehend it back then but I can only imagine that watching Messi now must feel something like watching MJ circa '91.
Messi on that juice though

All my man know is soccer trained dude at a young age like he's a robot lol
Funny this thread was made...

I had a friend today tell me Lionel Messi is the best soccer player to ever live.
Never understood why people say he's unathletic. He's faster than 99% of players on the pitch and he's strong as @#$% for someone his size. 3 dudes can slam into his legs at the same time, and he'll just stumble a bit and keep going. I hate playing Barca in FIFA 12 because his chip shots and low efforts always go in, but that's definitely an accurate representation of the real life player
Originally Posted by heavenlee777

Yeah, kind of disappointing that you didn't get his name right haha.

But great thread, he is very appreciated
Yeah... come on now... at least get his name right?  Unless I'm missing something and it's how his spelled in Argentina?


But anyway, yeah, the guy's an amazing talent and he's certainly on his way to becoming one of the greats, but the debate will go on... he needs to win a World Cup and perform on the international stage.  

No doubt, he's appreciated though... 
Originally Posted by SFC415

Never understood why people say he's unathletic. He's faster than 99% of players on the pitch and he's strong as @#$% for someone his size. 3 dudes can slam into his legs at the same time, and he'll just stumble a bit and keep going
I've never seen anyone say he's unathletic. Even in the soccer bashing cesspools that pop up on here once in a blue moon.
His athleticism is ridiculous. His combination of acceleration, agility, body control, and balance are unparalleled by anyone I've seen in sport aside from Barry Sanders. They both remind me of the other in an eerie sort of way. 
Originally Posted by stickmandude

That's beautiful - proof of what I have been saying for years - if some of these guys would just get on with playing rather than rolling around on the ground then they would have many more chances at goal.
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