Let Me Put You On To a "New" Artist - OFFICIAL Delorean THREAD

Feb 29, 2004
I've only seen 2 threads giving DeLorean some shine and I think it's his time. I put new in quotations because technically he's been out for a couple years now but he's just now starting to get a little more shine based off his feature on Big Krit's Got Me Thru track.

Dude is NICE with it. If you like Krit, you'll love DeLorean. Houston cat with a nice flow and a lotta substance to his music. He just dropped his newest tape Perfect Black end of October and is on Krit's Kritically Acclaimed tour.

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I'm at work right now so I can't post youtube links but once I get home later on I'll post some of his stuff. Ya'll check the boy out!

- Preciate it.
Pretty sure I was the one who made a thread for one of DeLorean's tapes :lol: loved both Grace and Look Alive. Some real hard hitting stuff on both of those. Good looking out on mentioning his new tape. Didn't even know he released anything new.
Lol yeah I think it was your thread I found in the search. Man I can't believe he this slept on. Boy can go!

- Preciate it.
Man his verse on Got Me Thru def peaked my interest like hell...

I ran through Perfect Black a few weeks ago and it was solid. Only reason I havent worked it into my rotation was that I streamed it on some random site instead of downloading.
Just finished listening to Perfect Black. Real solid bumping tape. Probably not as good as Look Alive (which i think had more standout tracks), but still good. Really the only song I'm not feeling much is "Pay Off", which i think is considered a single. Everything else is gravy though, especially Family First, Time Heal Wounds, Spread My Wings, and Far Fetched.
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